voytec 2 days ago

I agree in general but the web was already polluted by Google's unwritten SEO rules. Single-sentence paragraphs, multiple keyword repetitions and focus on "indexability" instead of readability, made the web a less than ideal source for such analysis long before LLMs.

It also made the web a less than ideal source for training. And yet LLMs were still fed articles written for Googlebot, not humans. ML/LLM is the second iteration of writing pollution. The first was humans writing for corporate bots, not other humans.

  • doe_eyes 2 days ago

    > I agree in general but the web was already polluted by Google's unwritten SEO rules. Single-sentence paragraphs, multiple keyword repetitions and focus on "indexability" instead of readability, made the web a less than ideal source for such analysis long before LLMs.

    Blog spam was generally written by humans. While it sucked for other reasons, it seemed fine for measuring basic word frequencies in human-written text. The frequencies are probably biased in some ways, but this is true for most text. A textbook on carburetor maintenance is going to have the word "carburetor" at way above the baseline. As long as you have a healthy mix of varied books, news articles, and blogs, you're fine.

    In contrast, LLM content is just a serpent eating its own tail - you're trying to build a statistical model of word distribution off the output of a (more sophisticated) model of word distribution.

    • weinzierl 2 days ago

      Isn't it the other way around?

      SEO text carefully tuned to tf-idf metrics and keyword stuffed to them empirically determined threshold Google just allows should have unnatural word frequencies.

      LLM content should just enhance and cement the status quo word frequencies.

      Outliers like the word "delve" could just be sentinels, carefully placed like trap streets on a map.

      • mlsu 2 days ago

        But you can already see it with Delve. Mistral uses "delve" more than baseline, because it was trained on GPT.

        So it's classic positive feedback. LLM uses delve more, delve appears in training data more, LLM uses delve more...

        Who knows what other semantic quirks are being amplified like this. It could be something much more subtle, like cadence or sentence structure. I already notice that GPT has a "tone" and Claude has a "tone" and they're all sort of "GPT-like." I've read comments online that stop and make me question whether they're coming from a bot, just because their word choice and structure echoes GPT. It will sink into human writing too, since everyone is learning in high school and college that the way you write is by asking GPT for a first draft and then tweaking it (or not).

        Unfortunately, I think human and machine generated text are entirely miscible. There is no "baseline" outside the machines, other than from pre-2022 text. Like pre-atomic steel.

      • derefr 2 days ago

        1. People don't generally use the (big, whole-web-corpus-trained) general-purpose LLM base-models to generate bot slop for the web. Paying per API call to generate that kind of stuff would be far too expensive; it'd be like paying for eStamps to send spam email. Spambot developers use smaller open-source models, trained on much smaller corpuses, sized and quantized to generate text that's "just good enough" to pass muster. This creates a sampling bias in the word-associational "knowledge" the model is working from when generating.

        2. Given how LLMs work, a prompt is a bias — they're one-and-the-same. You can't ask an LLM to write you a mystery novel without it somewhat adopting the writing quirks common to the particular mystery novels it has "read." Even the writing style you use in your prompt influences this bias. (It's common advice among "AI character" chatbot authors, to write the "character card" describing a character, in the style that you want the character speaking in, for exactly this reason.) Whatever prompt the developer uses, is going to bias the bot away from the statistical norm, toward the writing-style elements that exist within whatever hypersphere of association-space contains plausible completions of the prompt.

        3. Bot authors do SEO too! They take the tf-idf metrics and keyword stuffing, and turn it into training data to fine-tune models, in effect creating "automated SEO experts" that write in the SEO-compatible style by default. (And in so doing, they introduce unintentional further bias, given that the SEO-optimized training dataset likely is not an otherwise-perfect representative sampling of writing style for the target language.)

      • lbhdc 2 days ago

        > LLM content should just enhance and cement the status quo word frequencies.

        TFA mentions this hasn't been the case.

      • tigerlily a day ago

          Too deep we delved, and awoke the ancient delves.
  • bondarchuk 2 days ago

    At some point though you have to acknowledge that a specific use of language belongs to the medium through which you're counting word frequencies. There are also specific writing styles (including sentence/paragraph sizes, unnecessary repetitions, focusing on other metrics than readability) associated with newspapers, novels, e-mails to your boss, anything really. As long as text was written by a human who was counting on at least some remote possibility that another human might read it, this is way more legitimate use of language than just generating it with a machine.

  • ToucanLoucan 2 days ago

    This feels like a second, magnitudes larger Eternal September. I wonder how much more of this the Internet can take before everyone just abandons it entirely. My usage is notably lower than it was in even 2018, it's so goddamn hard to find anything worth reading anymore (which is why I spend so much damn time here, tbh).

    • wpietri 2 days ago

      I think it's an arms race, but it's an open question who wins.

      For a while I thought email as a medium was doomed, but spammers mostly lost that arms race. One interesting difference is that with spam, the large tech companies were basically all fighting against it. But here, many of the large tech companies are either providing tools to spammers (LLMs) or actively encouraging spammy behaviors (by integrating LLMs in ways that encourage people to send out text that they didn't write).

      • jsheard 2 days ago

        The fight against spam email also led to mass consolidation of what was supposed to be a decentralised system though. Monoliths like Google and Microsoft now act as de-facto gatekeepers who decide whether or not you're allowed to send emails, and there's little to no transparency or recourse to their decisions.

        There's probably an analogy to be made about the open decentralised internet in the age of AI here, if it gets to the point that search engines have to assume all sites are spam by default until proven otherwise, much like how an email server is assumed guilty until proven innocent.

      • jerf 2 days ago

        Another problem with this arms race is that spam emails actually are largely separable from ham emails for most people... or at least they were, for most of their run. The thousandth email that claims the UN has set aside money for me due to my non-existent African noble ancestry that they can't find anyone to give it to and I just need to send the Thailand embassy some money to start processing my multi-million yuan payout and send it to my choice of proxy in Colombia to pick it up is quite different from technical conversation about some GitHub issue I'm subscribed to, on all sorts of metrics.

        However, the frontline of the email war has shifted lately. Now the most important part of the war is being fought over emails that look just like ham, but aren't. Business frauds where someone convinces you that they are the CEO or CFO or some VP and they need you to urgently buy this or that for them right now no time to talk is big business right now, and before you get too high-and-mighty about how immune you are to that, they are now extremely good at looking official. This war has not been won yet, and to a large degree, isn't something you necessarily win by AI either.

        I think there's an analogy here to the war on content slop. Since what the content slop wants is just for you to see it so they can serve you ads, it doesn't need anything else that our algorithms could trip on, like links to malware or calls to action to be defrauded, or anything else. It looks just like the real stuff, and telling that it isn't could require a human rather vast amounts of input just to be mostly sure. Except we don't have the ability to authenticate where it came from. (There is no content authentication solution that will work at scale. No matter how you try to get humans to "sign their work" people will always work out how to automate it and then it's done.) So the one good and solid signal that helps in email is gone for general web content.

        I don't judge this as a winning scenario for the defenders here. It's not a total victory for the attackers either, but I'd hesitate to even call an advantage for one side or the other. Fighting AI slop is not going to be easy.

      • ToucanLoucan 2 days ago

        > but spammers mostly lost that arms race

        I'm not saying this is impossible but that's going to be an uphill sell for me as a concept. According to some quick stats I checked I'm getting roughly 600 emails per day, about 550 of which go directly to spam filtering, and of the remaining 50, I'd say about 6 are actually emails I want to be receiving. That's an impressive amount overall for whoever built this particular filter, but it's also still a ton of chaff to sort wheat from and as a result I don't use email much for anything apart from when I have to.

        Like, I guess that's technically usable, I'm much happier filtering 44 emails than 594 emails? But that's like saying I solved the problem of a flat tire by installing a wooden cart wheel.

        It's also worth noting there that if I do have an email thats flagged as spam that shouldn't be, I then have to wade through a much deeper pond of shit to go find it as well. So again, better, but IMO not even remotely solved.

      • pyrale 2 days ago

        > but spammers mostly lost that arms race.

        Advertising in your mails isn't Google's.

    • [removed] 2 days ago
    • BeFlatXIII 2 days ago

      I hope this trend accelerates to force us all into grass-touching and book-reading. The sooner, the better.

      • MrLeap 2 days ago

        Books printed before 2018, right?

        I already find myself mentally filtering out audible releases after a certain date unless they're from an author I recognize.

  • kevindamm 2 days ago

    Yes but not quite as far as you imply. The training data is weighted by a quality metric, articles written by journalists and wikipedia contributors are given more weight than Aunt May's brownie recipe and corpoblogspam.

    • jsheard 2 days ago

      > The training data is weighted by a quality metric

      At least in Googles case, they're having so much difficulty keeping AI slop out of their search results that I don't have much faith in their ability to give it an appropriately low training weight. They're not even filtering the comically low-hanging fruit like those YouTube channels which post a new "product review" every 10 minutes, with an AI generated thumbnail and AI voice reading an AI script that was never graced by human eyes before being shat out onto the internet, and is of course always a glowing recommendation since the point is to get the viewer to click an affiliate link.

      Google has been playing the SEO cat and mouse game forever, so can startups with a fraction of the experience be expected to do any better at filtering the noise out of fresh web scrapes?

      • acdha 2 days ago

        > Google has been playing the SEO cat and mouse game forever, so can startups with a fraction of the experience be expected to do any better at filtering the noise out of fresh web scrapes?

        Google has been _monetizing_ the SEO game forever. They chose not to act against many notorious actors because the metric they optimize for is ad revenue and and those sites were loaded with ads. As long as advertisers didn’t stop buying, they didn’t feel much pressure to make big changes.

        A smaller company without that inherent conflict of interest in its business model can do better because they work on a fundamentally different problem.

      • derefr 2 days ago

        > those YouTube channels which post a new "product review" every 10 minutes, with an AI generated thumbnail and AI voice reading an AI script that was never graced by human eyes before being shat out onto the internet

        The problem is that, of the signals you mention,

        • the highly-informative ones (posting a new review every 10 minutes, having affiliate links in the description) are contextual — i.e. they're heuristics that only work on a site-specific basis. If the point is to create a training pipeline that consumes "every video on the Internet" while automatically rejecting the videos that are botspam, then contextual heuristics of this sort won't scale. (And Google "doesn't do things that don't scale.")

        • and, conversely, the context-free signals you mention (thumbnail looks AI-generated, voice is synthesized) aren't actually highly correlated with the script being LLM-barf rather than something a human wrote.

        Why? One of the primary causes is TikTok (because TikTok content gets cross-posted to YouTube a lot.) TikTok has a built-in voiceover tool; and many people don't like their voice, or don't have a good microphone, or can't speak fluent/unaccented English, or whatever else — so they choose to sit there typing out a script on their phone, and then have the AI read the script, rather than reading the script themselves.

        And then, when these videos get cross-posted, usually they're being cross-posted in some kind of compilation, through some tool that picks an AI-generated thumbnail for the compilation.

        Yet, all the content in these is real stuff that humans wrote, and so not something Google would want to throw away! (And in fact, such content is frequently a uniquely-good example of the "gen-alpha vernacular writing style", which otherwise doesn't often appear in the corpus due to people of that age not doing much writing in public-web-scrapeable places. So Google really wants to sample it.)

      • nneonneo a day ago

        Reminds me of a Google search I did yesterday: “Hezbollah” yields a little info box with headings “Overview”, “History”, “Apps” and “Return policy”.

        I’m guessing that the association between “pagers” and “Hezbollah” ended up creating the latter two tabs, but who knows. Maybe some AI video out there did a product review of Hezbollah.

      • Suppafly 2 days ago

        >At least in Googles case, they're having so much difficulty keeping AI slop out of their search results that I don't have much faith in their ability to give it an appropriately low training weight.

        I've noticed that lately. It used to be the top google result was almost always what you needed. Now at the top is an AI summary that is pretty consistently wrong, often in ways that aren't immediately obvious if you aren't familiar with the topic.

      • epgui 2 days ago

        I don’t think they were talking about the quality of Google search results. I believe they were talking about how the data was processed by the wordfreq project.

        • kevindamm 2 days ago

          I was actually referring to the data ingestion for training LLMs, I don't know what filtering or weighting might be done with wordfreq.

      • noirscape 2 days ago

        Google has those problems because the company's revenue source (Ads) and the thing that puts it on the map (Search) are fundamentally at odds with one another.

        A useful Search would ideally send a user to the site with the most signal and the fewest noise. Meanwhile, ads are inherently noise; they're extra pieces of information inserted into a webpage that at best tangentially correlate to the subject of a page.

        Up until ~5 years ago, Google was able to strike a balance on keeping these two stable; you'd get results with some Ads but the signal generally outweighed the noise. Unfortunately from what I can tell from anecdotes and courtroom documents, the Ad team at Google has essentially hijacked every other aspect of the company by threatening that yearly bonuses won't be given out if they don't kowtow to the Ad teams wishes to optimize ad revenue somewhere in 2018-2019 and has no sign of stopping since there's no effective competition to Google. (There's like, Bing and Kagi? Nobody uses Bing though and Kagi is only used by tech enthusiasts. The problem with Google is that to copy it, you need a ton of computing resources upfront and are going up against a company with infinitely more money and ability to ensure users don't leave their ecosystem; go ahead and abandon Search, but good luck convincing others to give up say, their Gmail account, which keeps them locked to Google and Search will be there, enticing the average user.)

        Google has absolutely zero incentive to filter out generative AI junk from their search results outside the amount of it that's damaging their PR since most of the SEO spam is also running Google Ads (since unless you're hosting adult content, Google's ad network is practically the only option). Their solution therefore isn't to remove the AI junk, but to instead reduce it enough to the degree where a user will not get the same type of AI junk twice.

        • PaulHoule 2 days ago

          My understanding is that Google Ads are what makes Google Search unassailable.

          A search engine isn't a two-sided market in itself but the ad network that supports it is. A better search engine is a technological problem, but a decently paying ad network is a technological problem and a hard marketing problem.

    • Freak_NL 2 days ago

      It certainly feels like the amount of regurgitated, nonsensical, generated content (nontent?) has risen spectacularly specifically in the past few years. 2021 sounds about right based on just my own experience, even though I can't point to any objective source backing that up.

      • eszed 2 days ago

        Upvoted for "nontent" alone: it'll be my go-to term from now on, and I hope it catches on.

        Is it of your own coinage? When the AI sifts through the digital wreckage of the brief human empire, they may give you the credit.

      • zharknado 2 days ago

        Ooh I like “nontent.” Nothing like a spicy portmanteau!

      • eptcyka 2 days ago

        I personally am yet to see this beyond some slop on youtube. And I am here for the AI meme videos. I recognize the dangers of this, all I am saying is that I don't feel the effect, yet.

      • jsheard 2 days ago

        SEO grifters have fully integrated AI at this point, there are dozens of turn-key "solutions" for mass-producing "content" with the absolute minimum effort possible. It's been refined to the point that scraping material from other sites, running it through the LLM blender to make it look original, and publishing it on a platform like Wordpress is fully automated end-to-end.

        • sahmeepee 2 days ago

          Or check out "money printer" on github: a tongue in cheek mashup of various tools to take a keyword as input and produce a youtube video with subtitles and narration as output.

    • darby_nine 2 days ago

      Aunt may's brownie recipe (or at least her thoughts on it) are likely something you'd want if you want to reflect how humans use language. Both news-style and encyclopedia-style writing represent a pretty narrow slice.

      • creshal 2 days ago

        That's why search engines rated them highly, and why a million spam sites cropped up that paid writers $1/essay to pretend to be Aunt May, and why today every recipe website has a gigantic useless fake essay in front of their copypasted made up recipes.

    • Lalabadie 2 days ago

      The current state of things leads me to believe that Google's current ranking system has been somehow too transparent for the last 2-3 years.

      The top of search results is consistently crowded by pages that obviously game ranking metrics instead of offering any value to humans.

  • sahmeepee 2 days ago

    Prior to Google we had Altavista and in those days it was incredibly common to find keywords spammed hundreds of times in white text on a white background in the footer of a page. SEO spam is not new, it's just different.

  • rockskon a day ago

    Don't forget Google's adsense rules which penalized useful straightforward websites and mandated websites be full of "content". Doesn't matter if the "content" is garbage nonsense rambling and excessive word use - it's content and much more likely to be okayed by adsense!

  • redbell 2 days ago

    > ML/LLM is the second iteration of writing pollution. The first was humans writing for corporate bots, not other humans.

    Based on the process above, naturally, the third iteration then is LLMs writing for corporate bots, neither for humans nor for other LLMs.

  • pphysch 2 days ago

    It's crazy to attribute the downfall of the web/search to Google. What does Google have to do with all the genuine open web content, Google's source of wealth, getting starved by (increasingly) walled gardens like Facebook, Reddit, Discord?

    I don't see how Google's SEO rules being written or unwritten has any bearing. Spammers will always find a way.

  • krelian 2 days ago

    >And yet LLMs were still fed articles written for Googlebot, not humans.

    How do we know what content LLMs were fed? Isn't that a highly guarded secret?

    Won't the quality of the content be paramount to the quality of the generated output or does it not work that way?

    • GTP 2 days ago

      We do know that the open web consitutes the bulk of the trainig data, although we don't get to know the specific webpages that got used. Plus some more selected sources, like books, of which again we only know that those are books but not which books were used. So it's just a matter of probability that there was a good amount of SEO spam as well.

jgrahamc 2 days ago

I created https://lowbackgroundsteel.ai/ in 2023 as a place to gather references to unpolluted datasets. I'll add wordfreq. Please submit stuff to the Tumblr.

  • LeoPanthera 2 days ago

    Congratulations on "shipping", I've had a background task to create pretty much exactly this site for a while. What is your cutoff date? I made this handy list, in research for mine:

      2017: Invention of transformer architecture
      June 2018: GPT-1
      February 2019: GPT-2
      June 2020: GPT-3
      March 2022: GPT-3.5
      November 2022: ChatGPT
    You may want to add kiwix archives from before whatever date you choose. You can find them on the Internet Archive, and they're available for Wikipedia, Stack Overflow, Wikisource, Wikibooks, and various other wikis.
    • jgrahamc a day ago

      I was taking "Release of ChatGPT" as the Trinity date.

  • VyseofArcadia 2 days ago

    Clever name. I like the analogy.

    • freilanzer 2 days ago

      I don't seem to get it.

      • ziddoap 2 days ago

        Steel without nuclear contamination is sought after, and only available from pre-war / pre-atomic sources.

        The analogy is that data is now contaminated with AI like steel is now contaminated with nuclear fallout.


        >Low-background steel, also known as pre-war steel[1] and pre-atomic steel,[2] is any steel produced prior to the detonation of the first nuclear bombs in the 1940s and 1950s. Typically sourced from ships (either as part of regular scrapping or shipwrecks) and other steel artifacts of this era, it is often used for modern particle detectors because more modern steel is contaminated with traces of nuclear fallout.[3][4]

      • AlphaAndOmega0 2 days ago

        It's a reference to the practise of scavenging steel from sources that were produced before nuclear testing began, as any steel produced afterwards is contaminated with nuclear isotopes from the fallout. Mostly ship wrecks, and WW2 means there are plenty of those. The pun in question is that his project tries to source text that hasn't been contaminated with AI generated material.


      • ms512 2 days ago

        After the detonation of the first nuclear weapons, any newly produced steel has a low dose of nuclear fallout.

        For applications that need to avoid the background radiation (like physics research), pre atomic age steel is extracted, like from old shipwrecks.


      • GreenWatermelon 2 days ago

        From the blog

        > Low Background Steel (and lead) is a type of metal uncontaminated by radioactive isotopes from nuclear testing. That steel and lead is usually recovered from ships that sunk before the Trinity Test in 1945.

      • voytec 2 days ago

        To whomever downvoted parent: please don't act against people brave enough to state that they don't know something.

        This is a desired quality, increasingly less present in IT work environments. People afraid of being shamed for stating knowledge gaps are not the folks you want to work with.

      • KeplerBoy 2 days ago

        Steel made before atmospheric tests of nuclear bombs were a thing is referred to as low background steel and invaluable for some applications.

        LLMs pollute the internet like atomic bombs polluted the environment.

      • [removed] 2 days ago
      • [removed] 2 days ago
  • astennumero 2 days ago

    That's exactly the opposite of what the author wanted IMO. The author no more wants to be a part of this mess. Aggregating these sources would just makes it so much more easier for the tech giants to scrape more data.

    • rovr138 2 days ago

      The sources are just aggregated. The source doesn't change.

      The new stuff generated does (and this is honestly already captured).

      This author doesn't generate content. They analyze data from humans. That "from humans" is the part that can't be discerned enough and thus the project can't continue.

      Their research and projects are great.

    • iak8god 2 days ago

      The main concerns expressed in Robyn's note, as I read them, seem to be 1) generative AI has polluted the web with text that was not written by humans, and so it is no longer feasible to produce reliable word frequency data that reflects how humans use natural language; and 2) simultaneously, sources of natural language text that were previously accessible to researchers are now less accessible because the owners of that content don't want it used by others to create AI models without their permission. A third concern seems to be that support for and practice of any other NLP approaches is vanishing.

      Making resources like wordfreq more visible won't exacerbate any of these concerns.

  • [removed] 2 days ago
  • Der_Einzige a day ago

    FYI: My two datasets, DebateSum and OpenDebateEvidence/OpenCaseList in their current forms qualify for this, as they end at latest in 2022.

    • jgrahamc a day ago

      You can either add them to the site yourself via Tumblr or send them to me via email (jgc@cloudflare).

  • imhoguy 2 days ago

    I am not sure we should trust a site contaminated by AI graphics. /s

    • gorkish 2 days ago

      The buildings and shipping containers that store low background steel aren't built out of the stuff either.

    • whywhywhywhy 2 days ago

      Yeah pay an illustrator if this is important to you.

      See a lot of people upset about AI still using AI image generation because it's not in their field so they feel less strongly about it and can't create art themselves anyway, hypocritical either use it or don't but don't fuss over it then use it for something thats convenient for you.

      • imhoguy 2 days ago

        I have updated my comment with "/s" as that is closer to what I've meant. However, seriously, from ethical point of view it is unlikely illustrators were asked or compensated for their work being used for training AI to produce the image.

        • heckelson 2 days ago

          I thought the header image was a symbol of AI slop contamination because it looked really off-putting

  • ClassyJacket 2 days ago

    :'( I thought I was clever for realising this parallel myself! Guess it's more obvious than I thought.

    Another example is how data on humans after 2020 or so can't be separated by sex because gender activists fought to stop recording sex in statistics on crime, medicine, etc.

    • thebruce87m a day ago

      I too realised this parallel and frequently tell people about it.

      Edit: just the first one

jll29 2 days ago

I regret the situation led to the OP feel discourage about the NLP community, wo which I belong, and I just want to say "we're not all like that", even though it is a trend and we're close to peak hype (slightly past even?).

The complaint about pollution of the Web with artificial content is timely, and it's not even the first time due to spam farms intended to game PageRank, among other nonsense. This may just mean there is new value in hand-curated lists of high-quality Web sites (some people use the term "small Web").

Each generation of the Web needs techniques to overcome its particular generation of adversarial mechanisms, and the current Web stage is no exception.

When Eric Arthur Blair wrote 1984 (under his pen name "George Orwell"), he anticipated people consuming auto-generated content to keep the masses from away from critical thinking. This is now happening (he even anticipated auto-generated porn in the novel), but the technologies criticized can also be used for good, and that is what I try to do in my NLP research team. Good will prevail in the end.

  • solardev 2 days ago

    Have "good" small webs EVER prevailed?

    Every content system seems to get polluted by noise once it hits mainstream usage: IRC, Usenet, reddit, Facebook, geocities, Yahoo, webrings, etc. Once-small curated selections eventually grow big enough to become victims of their own successes and taken over by spam.

    It's always an arms race of quality vs quantity, and eventually the curators can't keep up with the sheer volume anymore.

    • squigz 2 days ago

      > Have "good" small webs EVER prevailed?

      You ask on HN, one of the highest quality sites I've ever visited in any age of the Internet.

      IRC is still alive and well among pretty much the same audience as always. I'm not sure it's fair to compare that with the others.

      • solardev 2 days ago

        Well, niche forums are kinda different when they manage to stay small and niche. Not just HN but car forums, LED forums, etc.

        But if they ever include other topics, they risk becoming more mainstream and noisy. Even within adjacent fields (like the various Stacks) it gets pretty bad.

        Maybe the trick is to stay within a single small sphere then and not become a general purpose discussion site? And to have a low enough volume of submissions where good moderation is still possible? (Thank you dang and HN staff)

      • bongodongobob 2 days ago

        It's high quality when the content is within HN's bubble. Anything related to health, politics, or Microsoft is full of misinformation, ignorance, and garbage like any other site. The Microsoft discussions in particular are extremely low quality.

    • htrp 2 days ago

      Any curation mechanism that depends on passion and/or the goodwill of volunteers is unsustainable.

    • 38 2 days ago

      its so easy to solve this problem, not sure why anyone hasnt done it yet.

      1. build a userbase, free product

      2. once userbase get big enough, any new account requires a monthly fee, maybe $1

      3. keep raising the fee higher and higher, until you get to the point that the userbase is manageable.

      no ads, simple.

      • abridges6523 2 days ago

        This sounds like a good idea. I do wonder if enough people would sign up for it to be a worthy venture because I think the main issue with ads is I think once you add any price at all dramatically reduces participation even if it’s not about cost some people just see the payment and immediately disengage.!

      • [removed] 2 days ago
      • jachee 2 days ago

        Until N ad views are worth more than $X account creation fee. Then the spammers will just sell ad posts for $X*1.5.

        I can’t find it, but there’s someone selling sock puppet posts on HN even.

  • squigz 2 days ago

    > people consuming auto-generated content to keep the masses from away from critical thinking. This is now happening

    The people who stay away from critical thinking were doing that already and will continue to do so, 'AI' content or not.

    • psychoslave 2 days ago

      I don't know, individually finely tuned addictive content served as real time interactive feedback loops is an other level of propaganda and attention capture tool than largest common denominator of the general crowd served as static passive content.

      • squigz 2 days ago

        Perhaps, but the solution is the same either way, and it isn't trying to ban technology or halt progress or just sit and cry about how society is broken. It's educating each other and our children on the way these things work, how to break out of them, and how we might more responsibly use the technology.

    • trehalose 2 days ago

      How did they get started?

      • squigz 2 days ago

        They likely never started critically thinking, so they never had to get started on not doing so.

        (If children are never taught to think critically, then...)

  • Llamamoe 2 days ago

    > Good will prevail in the end.

    Even if, this is a dangerous thought that discourages decisive action that is likely to be necessary for this to happen.

  • sweeter 2 days ago

    tangentially related, but Marx also predicted that crypto and NFT's would exist in 1894 [1] and I only bring it up because its kind of wild how we keep crossing these "red lines" without even blinking. It's like that meme:

    Sci-fi author:

    I created the Torment Nexus to serve as a cautionary tale...

    Tech Company:

    Alas, we have created the Torment Nexus from the classic Sci-fi novel "Don't Create the Torment Nexus"

    1. https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1894-c3/ch25.htm

  • Intralexical 2 days ago

    What if the way for good to prevail is to reject technologies and beliefs that have become destructive?

0xbadcafebee 2 days ago

I'm going to call it: The Web is dead. Thanks to "AI" I spend more time now digging through searches trying to find something useful than I did back in 2005. And the sites you do find are largely garbage.

As a random example: just trying to find a particular popular set of wireless earbuds takes me at least 10 minutes, when I already know the company, the company's website, other vendors that sell the company's goods, etc. It's just buried under tons of dreck. And my laptop is "old" (an 8-core i7 processor with 16GB of RAM) so it struggles to push through graphics-intense "modern" websites like the vendor's. Their old website was plain and worked great, letting me quickly search through their products and quickly purchase them. Last night I literally struggled to add things to cart and check out; it was actually harrowing.

Fuck the web, fuck web browsers, web design, SEO, searching, advertising, and all the schlock that comes with it. I'm done. If I can in any way purchase something without the web, I'mma do that. I don't hate technology (entirely...) but the web is just a rotten egg now.

  • Vegenoid 2 days ago

    On Amazon, you used to be able to search the reviews and Q&A section via a search box. This was immensely useful. Now, that search box first routes your search to an LLM, which makes you wait 10-15 seconds while it searches for you. Then it presents its unhelpful summary, saying "some reviews said such and such", and I can finally click the button to show me the actual reviews and questions with the term I searched.

    This is going to be the thing that makes me quit Amazon. If I'm missing something and there's still a way to to a direct search, please tell me.

  • bbarn 2 days ago

    No disagreement for the most part.

    I used to be able to say search for Trek bike derailleur hanger and the first result would be what I wanted. Now I have to scroll past 5 ads to buy a new bike, one that's a broken link to a third party, and if I'm really lucky, at the bottom of page 1 will be the link to that part's page.

    The shitification of the web is real.

    • klyrs 2 days ago

      R.I.P. Sheldon Brown T_T

      (The Agner Fog of cycling?)

  • Gethsemane 2 days ago

    Sounds like your laptop is wholly out of date, you need to buy the next generation of laptops on Amazon that can handle the modern SEO load. I recommend the:

    LEEZWOO 15.6" Laptop - 16GB RAM 512GB SSD PC Laptop, Quad-Core N95 Processor Up to 3.1GHz, Laptop Computers with Touch ID, WiFi, BT4.2, for Students/Business

    Name rolls off the tongue doesn’t it

  • cedric_h 2 days ago

    There is a startup whose product is better search. The killer feature is that you pay for it, so you aren't the produdct. https://kagi.com/welcome

    • codezero 2 days ago

      Can vouch for this. It’s the first non-Google search alternative I’ve used that has 100% replaced Google. I don’t need Google as a fallback like I did with others.

  • akkartik a day ago

    I've been slowly detaching myself from the web for the past 10 years. These days I mostly build offline apps using native technologies. Those capabilities are still around. They just receded for a while because they'd gotten so polluted with toolbars and malware. But now the malware is on the other side, and native apps are cool again. If you know where to look. Here's my shingle: https://akkartik.name/freewheeling-apps

    On the other hand, what you call "The Web" seems to be just what you can get at through search engines. There's still the old web, the thing that's mediated by relationships and reputation rather than aggregation services with billions of users. Like the link I shared above. Or this heroically moderated site we're using right now.

  • w10-1 2 days ago

    > If I can in any way purchase something without the web, I'mma do that

    To get to the milk you'll have to walk by 3 rows of chips and soda.

    • odo1242 2 days ago

      Yeah, this is why I still use the web to order things in a nutshell lol

      • 0xbadcafebee 2 days ago

        Where do you order things online that you aren't inundated by ads?

  • matrix87 a day ago

    > Their old website was plain and worked great, letting me quickly search through their products and quickly purchase them. Last night I literally struggled to add things to cart and check out; it was actually harrowing.

    Hey, who cares about making services that work when we can give people a cool chatbot assistant and a 1800 number with no real-person alternative to the decision tree

  • gazook89 2 days ago

    The web is much more than a shopping site.

    • yifanl 2 days ago

      It is, but the SEO spammers who ruined the web want it to be shopping mall, and they can't even do a particularly good job at being one.

  • nlpparty 2 days ago

    I suppose it is just Amazon problems. I have never lived in the area where Amazon is prevalent. Where I live, search engines still can't find synonyms or process misspellings.

  • BeetleB 2 days ago

    If search is your metric, the web was dead long before OpenAI's release of GPT. I gave up on web search a long time ago.

  • kristopolous 2 days ago

    for tech stuff I just use documentation, bug trackers and source code now. Web searching has become useless.

weinzierl 2 days ago

"I don't think anyone has reliable information about post-2021 language usage by humans."

We've been past the tipping point when it comes to text for some time, but for video I feel we are living through the watershed moment right now.

Especially smaller children don't have a good intuition on what is real and what is not. When I get asked if the person in a video is real, I still feel pretty confident to answer but I get less and less confident every day.

The technology is certainly there, but the majority of video content is still not affected by it. I expect this to change very soon.

  • frognumber 2 days ago

    There are a series of challenges like:



    These are a little bit unfair, in that we're comparing handpicked examples, but I don't think many experts will pass a test like this. Technology only moves forward (and seemingly, at an accelerating pace).

    What's a little shocking to me is the speed of progress. Humanity is almost 3 million years old. Homosapiens are around 300,000 years old. Cities, agriculture, and civilization is around 10,000. Metal is around 4000. Industrial revolution is 500. Democracy? 200. Computation? 50-100.

    The revolutions shorten in time, seemingly exponentially.

    Comparing the world of today to that of my childhood....

    One revolution I'm still coming to grips with is automated manufacturing. Going on aliexpress, so much stuff is basically free. I bought a 5-port 120W (total) charger for less than 2 minutes of my time. It literally took less time to find it than to earn the money to buy it.

    I'm not quite sure where this is all headed.

    • homebrewer 2 days ago

      > so much stuff is basically free

      It really isn't. Have a look at daily median income statistics for the rest of the planet:


        $2.48 Eastern and Southern Africa (PIP)
        $2.78 Sub-Saharan Africa (PIP)
        $3.22 Western and Central Africa (PIP)
        $3.72 India (rural)
        $4.22 South Asia (PIP)
        $4.60 India (urban)
        $5.40 Indonesia (rural)
        $6.54 Indonesia (urban)
        $7.50 Middle East and North Africa (PIP)
        $8.05 China (rural)
        $10.00 East Asia and Pacific (PIP)
        $11.60 Latin America and the Caribbean (PIP)
        $12.52 China (urban)
      And more generally:

        $7.75 World
      I looked around on Ali, and the cheapest charger that doesn't look too dangerous costs around five bucks. So it's roughly equal to one day's income of at least half the population of our planet.
    • knodi123 2 days ago

      +100w chargers are one of the products I prefer to spend a little more on, so I get something from a company that knows it can be sued if they make a product that burns down your house or fries your phone.

      Flashlights? Sure, bring on aliexpress. USB cables with pop-off magnetically attached heads, no problem. But power supplies? Welp, to each their own!

      • fph 2 days ago

        And then you plug your cheap pop-off USB cable into the expensive 100w charger?

        • knodi123 2 days ago

          Yeah, sure, what could possibly go wrong? :-P

          But seriously, it's harder to accidentally make a USB cable that fries your equipment. The more common failure mode is it fails to work, or wears out too fast. Chargers on the other hand, handle a lot of voltage, generate a lot of heat, and output to sensitive equipment. More room to mess up, and more room for mistakes to cause damage.

    • bee_rider 2 days ago

      > One revolution I'm still coming to grips with is automated manufacturing. Going on aliexpress, so much stuff is basically free. I bought a 5-port 120W (total) charger for less than 2 minutes of my time. It literally took less time to find it than to earn the money to buy it.

      Is there a big recent qualitative change here? Or is this a continuation of manufacturing trends (also shocking, not trying to minimize it all, just curious if there’s some new manufacturing tech I wasn’t aware of).

      For some reason, your comment got me thinking of a fully automated system, like: you go to a website, pick and choose charger capabilities (ports, does it have a battery, that sort of stuff). Then an automated factor makes you a bespoke device (software picks an appropriate shell, regulators, etc). I bet we’ll see it in our lifetimes at least.

    • csomar a day ago

      Democracy (and Republics) are thousands of year old. Computation is also quite old though it only sky-rocketed with electricity and semiconductors. This is not the first time the global world created a potential for exponential growth (I'll consider the Pharaohs and Roman empires to be ones).

      There is the very real possibility that everything just stalls and plateau where we are at. You know, like our population growth, it should have gone exponentially but it did not. Actually, quite the reverse.

    • MengerSponge 2 days ago

      Democracy is 200? You're off by a full order of magnitude.

      Progress isn't inevitable. It's possible for knowledge to be lost and for civilization to regress.

      • frognumber 16 hours ago

        Okay. You're right about what I wrote. Let me rephrase what I meant. I was missing the words "the widespread adoption of"

        Athens had a democracy over 2500 years ago. A few Native American tribes had long-lasting democracies. Ukrainian cities were democratically self-governing 500 years ago, and Poland had elected kings.

        Those were isolated examples. This was not a revolution. We also haven't regressed; isolated examples continued throughout history. If you point to a year, you can probably find some democracy somewhere. The only major regression I know in history was around 1000BC. Regressions are rare.

        What changed was a revolution. From just before 1800 to just a little after 1900, virtually every country had a revolution which led to either being some form of democracy, or pretending to be one. Democracy was no longer isolated. We had the creation of a free world covering much of the world's population, and the creation of what was pretending to be a democracy (today, even the Democratic People's Republic of Korea pretends to be a democracy).

        The number of countries which claim to not be a democracy, you can count on your fingers. Iran. Vatican City. Saudi Arabia. UAE. Oman. Eswanti. Did I miss any?


  • apricot 2 days ago

    > When I get asked if the person in a video is real, I still feel pretty confident to answer

    I don't. I mean, I can identify the bad ones, sure, but how do I know I'm not getting fooled by the good ones?

    • weinzierl 2 days ago

      That is very true, but for now we have a baseline of videos that we either remember or that we remember key details of, like the persons in the video. I'm pretty sure if I watch The Primeagen or Tom Scott today, that they are real. Ask me in year, I might not be so sure anymore.

  • olabyne 2 days ago

    I never thought about that. Humans losing their ability to detect AI content from reality ? It's frightening.

    • BiteCode_dev 2 days ago

      It's worse because many humans don't know they are.

      I see a lot of outrage around fake posts already. People want to believe bad things from the other tribes.

      And we are going to feed them with it, endlessly.

      • PhunkyPhil 2 days ago

        Did you think the same thing when photoshop came out?

        It's relatively trivial to photoshop misinformation in a really powerful and undetectable way- but I don't see (legitimate) instances of groundbreaking news over a fake photo of the president or a CEO etc doing something nefarious. Why is AI different just because it's audio/video?

    • jerf 2 days ago

      It's even worse than that. Most people have no idea how far CGI has come, and how easily it is wielded even by a couple of dedicated teens on their home computer, let alone people with a vested interest in faking something for some financial reason. People think they know what a "special effect" looks like, and for the most part, people are wrong. They know what CGI being used to create something obviously impossible, like a dinosaur stomping through a city, looks like. They have no idea how easy a lot of stuff is to fake already. AI just adds to what is already there. Heck, to some extent it has caused scammers to overreach, with things like obviously fake Elon Musk videos on YouTube generated from (pure) AI and text-to-speech... when with just a little bit more learning, practice, and amounts of equipment completely reasonable for one person to obtain, they could have done a much better fake of Elon Musk using special effects techniques rather than shoveling text into an AI. The fact that "shoveling text into an AI" may in another few years itself generate immaculate videos is more a bonus than a fundamental change of capability.

      Even what's free & open source in the special effects community is astonishing lately.

      • jhbadger 2 days ago

        And you see things like the The Lion King remake or its upcoming prequel being called "live action" because it doesn't look like a cartoon like the original. But they didn't film actual lions running around -- it's all CGI.

      • bee_rider 2 days ago

        Plus, movies continue (for some reason) to be made with very bad and obvious CGI, leading people to believe all CGI is easy to spot.

    • hn_throwaway_99 2 days ago

      I mean, it's already apparent to me that a lot of people don't have a basic process in place to detect fact from fiction. And it's definitely not always easy, but when I hear some of the dumbest conspiracy theories known to man actually get traction in our media, political figures, and society at large, I just have to shake my head and laugh to keep from crying. I'm constantly reminded of my favorite saying, "people who believe in conspiracy theories have never been a project manager."

    • Suppafly 2 days ago

      >Humans losing their ability to detect AI content from reality ? It's frightening.

      And it already happened, and no one pushed back while it was happening.

    • Sharlin 2 days ago

      It's worse: they don't even care.

    • bunderbunder 2 days ago

      This video's worth a watch if you want to get a sense of the current state of things. Despite the (deliberately) clickbait title, the video itself is pretty even-handed.

      It's by Language Jones, a YouTube linguist. Title: "The AI Apocalypse is Here"


    • wraptile 2 days ago

      I find issue with this statement as content was never a clean representation of human actions or even thought. It was always driven by editorials, SEO, bot remixing and whatnot that heavily influences how we produce content. One might even argue that heightened content distrust is _good_ for our society.

    • bongodongobob 2 days ago

      Oh they definitely are. A lot of people are now calling out real photos as fake. I frequently get into stupid Instagram political arguments and a lot of times they come back with "yeah nice profile with all your AI art haha". It's all real high quality photography. Honestly, I don't think the avg person can tell anymore.

      • ziml77 2 days ago

        I've reached a point where even if my first reaction to a photo is to be impressed, I then quickly think "oh but what it this is AI?" and then immediately my excitement for the photo is ruined because it may not actually be a photo at all.

  • bsder 2 days ago

    > When I get asked if the person in a video is real, I still feel pretty confident to answer

    I don't share your confidence in identifying real people anymore.

    I often flag as "false-ish" a lot of things from genuinely real people, but who have adopted the behaviors of the TikTok/Insta/YouTube creator. Hell, my beard is grey and even I poked fun at "YouTube Thumbnail Face" back in 2020 in a video talk I gave. AI twigs into these "semi-human" behavioral patterns super fast and super hard.

    There is a video floating around with pairs of young ladies with "This is real"/"This is not real" on signs. They could be completely lying about both, and I really can't tell the difference. All of them have behavioral patterns that seems a little "off" but are consistent with the small number of "influencer" videos I have exposure to.

dweinus 2 days ago

> Now the Web at large is full of slop generated by large language models, written by no one to communicate nothing.

Fair and accurate. In the best cases the person running the model didn't write this stuff and word salad doesn't communicate whatever they meant to say. In many cases though, content is simply pumped out for SEO with no intention of being valuable to anyone.

  • [removed] 2 days ago
  • andrethegiant 2 days ago

    That sentence stood out to me too, very powerful. Felt it right in the feels.

  • FrustratedMonky 2 days ago


    • commodoreboxer 2 days ago

      The problem is that for the vast majority of use, LLM output is not revised or edited, and very many times I'm convinced the output wasn't even fully read.

      • robrtsql 2 days ago

        I assume FrustratedMonky's comment was satirical, given that it appears to have been written like an LLM and starts with a "but, but, but" which is how you might represent someone you disagree with presenting their argument.

dsign 2 days ago

Somehow related, paper books from before 2020 could be a valuable commodity in a in a decade or two, when the Internet will be full of slop and even contemporary paper books will be treated with suspicion. And there will be human talking heads posing as the authors of books written by very smart AIs. God, why are we doing this????

  • rvnx 2 days ago

    To support well-known “philanthropists” like Sam Altman or Mark Zuckerberg that many consider as their heroes here.

  • user432678 2 days ago

    And I thought I had some kind of mental illness collecting all those books, barely reading them. Need to do that more now.

    • globular-toast 2 days ago

      Yes. I've always loved my books but now consider them my most valuable possessions.

  • [removed] 2 days ago
aryonoco 2 days ago

I feel so conflicted about this.

On the one hand, I completely agree with Robyn Speer. The open web is dead, and the web is in a really sad state. The other day I decided to publish my personal blog on gopher. Just cause, there's a lot less crap on gopher (and no, gopher is not the answer).


A couple of weeks ago, I had to send a video file to my wife's grandfather, who is 97, lives in another country, and doesn't use computers or mobile phones. Eventually we determined that he has a DVD player, so I turned to x264 to convert this modern 4K HDR video into a form that can be played by any ancient DVD player, while preserving as much visual fidelity as possible.

The thing about x264 is, it doesn't have any docs. Unlike x265 which had a corporate sponsor who could spend money on writing proper docs, x264 was basically developed through trial and error by members of the doom9 forum. There are hundreds of obscure flags, some of which now operate differently to what they did 20 years ago. I could spend hours going through dozens of 20 year old threads on doom9 to figure out what each flag did, or I could do what I did and ask a LLM (in this case Claude).

Claude wasn't perfect. It mixed up a few ffmpeg flags with x264 ones (easy mistake), but combined with some old fashioned searching and some trial and error, I could get the job done in about half an hour. I was quite happy with the quality of the end product, and the video did play on that very old DVD player.

Back in pre-LLM days, it's not like I would have hired a x264 expert to do this job for me. I would have either had to spend hours more on this task, or more likely, this 97 year old man would never have seen his great granddaughter's dance, which apparently brought a massive smile to his face.

Like everything before them, LLMs are just tools. Neither inherently good nor bad. It's what we do with them and how we use them that matters.

  • sangnoir 2 days ago

    > Back in pre-LLM days, it's not like I would have hired a x264 expert to do this job for me. I would have either had to spend hours more on this task, or more likely, this 97 year old man would never have seen his great granddaughter's dance

    Didn't most DVD burning software include video transcoding as a standard feature? Back in the day, you'd have used Nero Burning ROM, or Handbrake - granted, the quality may not have been optimized to your standards, but the result would have been a watchable video (especially to 97 year-old eyes)

    • aryonoco 2 days ago

      Back in the day they did. I checked handbrake but now there's nothing specific about DVD compatibility there. I could have picked something like Super HQ 576p, and there's a good chance that would have sufficed, but old DVD players were extremely finicky about filenames, extensions, interlacing, etc. I didn't want to risk the DVD traveling half way across the world only to find that it's not playable.

      • sangnoir 2 days ago

        I mentioned Handbrake without checking its DVD authoring capability - probably used it to rip DVDs many years ago and got it mixed up with burning them; a better FLOSS alternative for authoring would have been DeVeDe or bombono.

aucisson_masque 2 days ago

Did we (the humans) somehow managed to pollute the internet so much with AI that's it's now barely usable ?

In my opinion the internet can be considered as the equivalent of a natural environment like the earth. it's a space where people share, meet, talk, etc.

I find it astonishing that after polluting our natural environment we know polluted the internet.

  • nkozyra 2 days ago

    > Did we (the humans) somehow managed to pollute the internet so much with AI that's it's now barely usable

    If we haven't already, we will be very soon. I'm sure there are people working on this problem, but I think we're starting to hit a very imminent feedback loop moment. Most of human's recorded information is digitized and most of that is generating non-human content at an incredible pace. We've injected a whole lot of noise into our usable data.

    I don't know if the answer is more human content (I'm doing my part!) or novel generative content but this interim period is going to cause some medium-term challenges.

    I like to think the LLM more-tokens-equals-better era is fading and we're getting into better use of existing data, but there's a very real inflection point we're facing.

  • coldpie 2 days ago

    There are smaller, gated communities that are still very valuable. You're posting in one. But yes, the open Internet is basically useless now, thanks ultimately to advertising as a business model.

    • nicholassmith 2 days ago

      I've seen plenty of comments here that read like they've been generated by an LLM, if this is a gated community we need a better gate.

      • coldpie 2 days ago

        Sure, there's bad actors everywhere, but there's really no incentive to do it here so I don't think it's a problem in the same way it is on the open internet, where slop is actively rewarded.

      • globular-toast 2 days ago

        It's hard to tell, though. People have been saying my borderline autistic comments sound like GPT for years now.

    • lobsterthief 2 days ago

      Also our collective unwillingness to pay for subscriptions for publications

    • whimsicalism 2 days ago

      this is not a gated community at all

      • coldpie a day ago

        True, that is maybe too strong a phrase, but I think it's close to accurate. I think the culture & medium provide kind of a self-selecting gate: it's just plain text and links to articles, with the discussion expected by culture to be fairly serious. I think that turns off enough people that it kind of forms its own gate shutting out the people that make "eternal Septembers" happen. But yeah, ultimately, you're right.

  • thwarted 2 days ago

    Tragedy of the Commons Ruins Everything Around Me

  • ashton314 2 days ago

    That's a nice analogy. Fortunately (un)real estate is easier to manufacture out of thin air online. We have lost some valuable spaces like Twitter and Reddit to some degree though.

  • egypturnash 2 days ago

    The public Internet has been relentlessly strip-mined for profit by ever since Canter & Siegel posted their immigration services ad to every single Usenet newsgroup.

  • mathnmusic 2 days ago

    > Did we (the humans) somehow managed to pollute the internet

    Corporations did that, not humans.

    "few people recognize that we already share our world with artificial creatures that participate as intelligent agents in our society: corporations" - https://arxiv.org/abs/1204.4116

  • [removed] 2 days ago
  • left-struck 2 days ago

    >We the humans

    Nice try

    If it’s not clear, I’m joking.

baq 2 days ago

All those writers who'll soon be out of job and/or already are and basically unhireable for their previous tasks should be paid for by the AI hyperscalers to write anything at all on one condition: not a single sentence in their works should be created with AI.

(I initially wanted to say 'paid for by the government' but that'd be socialising losses and we've had quite enough of that in the past.)

  • vidarh 2 days ago

    There are already several companies doing this - I do occasional contract work for a couple -, and paying rates sometimes well above what an average earning writer can expect elsewhere. However, the vast majority of writers have never been able to make a living from their writing. The threshold to write is too love, too many people love it, and most people read very little.

    • baq 2 days ago

      Transformers read a lot during training, it might actually be beneficial for the companies to the point those works never see the light of day, only machines would read them. That's so dystopian I'd say those works should be published so they eventually get into the public domain.

      • ckemere 2 days ago

        Rooms full of people writing into a computer is a striking mental picture. It feels like it could be background for a great plot for a book/movie.

  • bondarchuk 2 days ago

    AI companies are indeed hiring such people to generate customized training data for them.

    • neilv 2 days ago

      Is it the same companies that simply took all the writers' previous work (hoping to be billionaires before the courts understand)?

      • shadowgovt 2 days ago

        Yes. This was always the failure with the argument that copyright was the relevant issue... Once the model was proven out, we knew some wealthy companies would hire humans to generate the training data that the companies could then own in whole, at the relative expense of all other humans that didn't get paid to feed the machines.

    • passion__desire 2 days ago

      This idea could also be extended to domains like Art. Create new art styles for AI to learn from. But in future, that will also get automated. AI itself will create art styles and all humans would do is choose whether something is Hot or Not. Sort of like art breeder.

  • nkozyra 2 days ago

    People have been paid to generate noise for a decade+ now. Garbage in, garbage out will always be true.

    Next token-seeking is a solved problem. Novel thinking can be solved by humans and possibly by AI soon, but adding more garbage to the data won't improve things.

bane 2 days ago

This is one of the vanguards warning of the changes coming in the post-AI world.

>> Generative AI has polluted the data

Just like low-background steel marks the break in history from before and after the nuclear age, these types of data mark the distinction from before and after AI.

Future models will begin to continue to amplify certain statistical properties from their training, that amplified data will continue to pollute the public space from which future training data is drawn. Meanwhile certain low-frequency data will be selected by these models less and less and will become suppressed and possibly eliminated. We know from classic NLP techniques that low frequency words are often among the highest in information content and descriptive power.

Bitrot will continue to act as the agent of Entropy further reducing pre-AI datasets.

These feedback loops will persist, language will be ground down, neologisms will be prevented and...society, no longer with the mental tools to describe changing circumstances; new thoughts unable to be realized, will cease to advance and then regress.

Soon there will be no new low frequency ideas being removed from the data, only old low frequency ideas. Language's descriptive power is further eliminated and only the AIs seem able to produce anything that might represent the shadow of novelty. But it ends when the machines can only produce unintelligible pages of particles and articles, language is lost, civilization is lost when we no longer know what to call its downfall.

The glimmer of hope is that humanity figured out how to rise from the dreamstate of the world of animals once. Future humans will be able to climb from the ashes again. There used to be a word, the name of a bird, that encoded this ability to die and return again, but that name is already lost to the machines that will take our tongues.

  • fer 2 days ago

    > Future models will begin to continue to amplify certain statistical properties from their training, that amplified data will continue to pollute the public space from which future training data is drawn.

    That's why on FB I mark my own writing as AI generated, and the AI generated slop as genuine. Because what is disguised as "transparency disclaimer" is just flagging content of what's a potential dataset to train from and what isn't.

    • mitthrowaway2 2 days ago

      I'm sorry for the low-content remark, but, oh my god... I never thought about doing this, and now my mind is reeling at the implications. The idea of shielding my own writing from AI-plagiarism by masquerading it as AI-generated slop in the first place... but then in the same stroke, further undermining our collective ability to identify genuine human writing, while also flagging my own work as low-value to my readers, hoping that they can read between the lines. It's a fascinating play.

    • Calzifer 2 days ago

      Reminds me of the good old times of first generation Google ReCaptcha where I always only entered the one word Google knows and ignored or intentionally mistyped the other.

    • aanet 2 days ago

      You, Sir, may have stumbled upon the just the -hack- advice needed to post on social media.

      Apropos of nothing in particular, see LinkedIn now admitting [1] it is training its AI models on "all users by default"

      [1] https://www.techmeme.com/240918/p34#a240918p34

  • wvbdmp 2 days ago

    I Have No Words, And I Must Scream

  • thechao 2 days ago

    That went off the rails quickly. Calm down dude: my mother-in-law isn't going to forget words because of AI; she's gonna forget words because she's 3 glasses of crappy Texas wine into the evening.

    • bane 2 days ago

      But your children's children will never learn about love because that word will have been mechanically trained out of existence.

      • Intralexical 2 days ago

        That's pretty funny. You think love is just a word?

        • bane 2 days ago

          I leave it up to the reader to determine how serious I may be.

  • midnitewarrior 2 days ago

    From the day of the first spoken word, humans have guided the development of language through conversational use and institution. With the advent of AI being used to publish documents into the open web, humans have given up their exclusive domain.

    What would it take for Open AI overlords to inject words they want to force into usage in their models and will new words into use? Few have had the power to do such things. Open AI through its popular GPT platform now has the potential of dictating the evolution of human language.

    This is novel and scary.

    • bane 2 days ago

      It's the ultimate seizure of the means of production, and in the end it will be the capitalists who realize that revolution.

  • Intralexical 2 days ago

    > Soon there will be no new low frequency ideas being removed from the data, only old low frequency ideas. Language's descriptive power is further eliminated and only the AIs seem able to produce anything that might represent the shadow of novelty. But it ends when the machines can only produce unintelligible pages of particles and articles, language is lost, civilization is lost when we no longer know what to call its downfall.

    Or we'll be fine, because inbreeding isn't actually sustainable either economically nor technologically, and to most of the world the Silicon Valley "AI" crowd is more an obnoxious gang of socially stunted and predatory weirdos than some unstoppable omnipotent force.