Comment by 38

Comment by 38 2 days ago

3 replies

its so easy to solve this problem, not sure why anyone hasnt done it yet.

1. build a userbase, free product

2. once userbase get big enough, any new account requires a monthly fee, maybe $1

3. keep raising the fee higher and higher, until you get to the point that the userbase is manageable.

no ads, simple.

abridges6523 2 days ago

This sounds like a good idea. I do wonder if enough people would sign up for it to be a worthy venture because I think the main issue with ads is I think once you add any price at all dramatically reduces participation even if it’s not about cost some people just see the payment and immediately disengage.!

[removed] 2 days ago
jachee 2 days ago

Until N ad views are worth more than $X account creation fee. Then the spammers will just sell ad posts for $X*1.5.

I can’t find it, but there’s someone selling sock puppet posts on HN even.