Comment by PhunkyPhil

Comment by PhunkyPhil 2 days ago

2 replies

Did you think the same thing when photoshop came out?

It's relatively trivial to photoshop misinformation in a really powerful and undetectable way- but I don't see (legitimate) instances of groundbreaking news over a fake photo of the president or a CEO etc doing something nefarious. Why is AI different just because it's audio/video?

chowells 2 days ago

"AI" is different because it's low-effort and easily automated, making it easy to absolutely flood public spaces. Quantity has a quality all its own.

BiteCode_dev a day ago

I did.

And it's not the grounbreaking the problem, it's the little constant lies.

Last week a photoshopped Musk tweet was going around, people getting all up in arms against it despite the fact it was very easy to spot as a fabricated one.

People didn't care, they hate the guy, they just wanted to fuel their hate more.

The whole planet run on fake content, magazin covers, food packaging, instagram pics of places that never looks that way...

And now, with AI, you can automate it and scale it up.

People are not ready. And in fact, they don't want to be.