Comment by voytec

Comment by voytec 2 days ago

6 replies

To whomever downvoted parent: please don't act against people brave enough to state that they don't know something.

This is a desired quality, increasingly less present in IT work environments. People afraid of being shamed for stating knowledge gaps are not the folks you want to work with.

umvi 2 days ago

I feel like there's a minimum "due diligence" bar to meet though before asking, otherwise it comes across as "I'm too lazy to google the reference and connect the dots myself, but can someone just go ahead and distill a nice summary for me"

  • voytec 2 days ago

    In this particular case, I was out of the loop regarding the clever analogy myself. I'm now a tad smarter because someone else expressed lack of understanding, and I learned from responses to this (grayed due to downvotes) comment.

    • PhunkyPhil 2 days ago

      The problem is that the answer was a really easy google. I didn't know what low background steel was and I just googled it.

      • cwillu 2 days ago

        A person asking the question here means there are now several good succinct explanations of it here.

    • input_sh 2 days ago

      But it's right there in the header, you could just click the link and find out on the top of the webpage.