Comment by Vegenoid

Comment by Vegenoid 2 days ago

3 replies

On Amazon, you used to be able to search the reviews and Q&A section via a search box. This was immensely useful. Now, that search box first routes your search to an LLM, which makes you wait 10-15 seconds while it searches for you. Then it presents its unhelpful summary, saying "some reviews said such and such", and I can finally click the button to show me the actual reviews and questions with the term I searched.

This is going to be the thing that makes me quit Amazon. If I'm missing something and there's still a way to to a direct search, please tell me.

cosmotron a day ago

You can still get to product reviews directly and search them. Here's an example:

Product page (copy the identifier at the end):

Review page (paste the identifier at the end):

This seems to bypass all of the LLM stuff for now.

  • Vegenoid a day ago

    Pretty good! Unfortunately it does not include the Q&As, which are often just as useful as the reviews.

graeme a day ago

Ran into this the other day. still has the old version for now