Comment by vidarh

Comment by vidarh 2 days ago

4 replies

There are already several companies doing this - I do occasional contract work for a couple -, and paying rates sometimes well above what an average earning writer can expect elsewhere. However, the vast majority of writers have never been able to make a living from their writing. The threshold to write is too love, too many people love it, and most people read very little.

baq 2 days ago

Transformers read a lot during training, it might actually be beneficial for the companies to the point those works never see the light of day, only machines would read them. That's so dystopian I'd say those works should be published so they eventually get into the public domain.

  • ckemere 2 days ago

    Rooms full of people writing into a computer is a striking mental picture. It feels like it could be background for a great plot for a book/movie.

    • EasyMark a day ago

      Lots of books have had plots where a person is training their replacement.

    • left-struck 2 days ago

      Have you heard of Severance? This has a vibe extremely similar to that show.