Comment by dsign

Comment by dsign 2 days ago

5 replies

Somehow related, paper books from before 2020 could be a valuable commodity in a in a decade or two, when the Internet will be full of slop and even contemporary paper books will be treated with suspicion. And there will be human talking heads posing as the authors of books written by very smart AIs. God, why are we doing this????

rvnx 2 days ago

To support well-known “philanthropists” like Sam Altman or Mark Zuckerberg that many consider as their heroes here.

user432678 2 days ago

And I thought I had some kind of mental illness collecting all those books, barely reading them. Need to do that more now.

  • globular-toast 2 days ago

    Yes. I've always loved my books but now consider them my most valuable possessions.