Comment by dweinus

Comment by dweinus 2 days ago

8 replies

> Now the Web at large is full of slop generated by large language models, written by no one to communicate nothing.

Fair and accurate. In the best cases the person running the model didn't write this stuff and word salad doesn't communicate whatever they meant to say. In many cases though, content is simply pumped out for SEO with no intention of being valuable to anyone.

andrethegiant 2 days ago

That sentence stood out to me too, very powerful. Felt it right in the feels.

FrustratedMonky 2 days ago


  • commodoreboxer 2 days ago

    The problem is that for the vast majority of use, LLM output is not revised or edited, and very many times I'm convinced the output wasn't even fully read.

    • robrtsql 2 days ago

      I assume FrustratedMonky's comment was satirical, given that it appears to have been written like an LLM and starts with a "but, but, but" which is how you might represent someone you disagree with presenting their argument.

      • commodoreboxer 2 days ago

        I thought so, but the rest of the comment is worded quite reasonably, so I decided to not interpret it as hyperbole or irony.