Comment by squigz

Comment by squigz 2 days ago

8 replies

> people consuming auto-generated content to keep the masses from away from critical thinking. This is now happening

The people who stay away from critical thinking were doing that already and will continue to do so, 'AI' content or not.

psychoslave 2 days ago

I don't know, individually finely tuned addictive content served as real time interactive feedback loops is an other level of propaganda and attention capture tool than largest common denominator of the general crowd served as static passive content.

  • squigz 2 days ago

    Perhaps, but the solution is the same either way, and it isn't trying to ban technology or halt progress or just sit and cry about how society is broken. It's educating each other and our children on the way these things work, how to break out of them, and how we might more responsibly use the technology.

trehalose 2 days ago

How did they get started?

  • squigz 2 days ago

    They likely never started critically thinking, so they never had to get started on not doing so.

    (If children are never taught to think critically, then...)

    • sweeter 2 days ago

      It's almost like its a systemic failure that is artificially created so that people wont think critically... hmmm

      • vladms 2 days ago

        > is artificially created

        You imply that thousands of year ago everybody was thinking critically?

        Thinking critically is hard, stressful and might take some joy from your life.

        • sweeter 2 days ago

          I'm not sure how that would imply anything about the past. We as a society have spent decades defanging the public school system through changing school to be test score driven, tying a schools funding to the local property value, making them less effective and less safe, choking them out financially etc... it should be no surprise that children are not equipped to navigate modern life. I've been though these systems, they are deeply flawed.

      • squigz 2 days ago

        Yeah, it's almost like it has nothing to do with AI