Comment by respondo2134

Comment by respondo2134 3 days ago

258 replies

I don't see this as a smart move (let alone strategy) in any time frame. As a third-party observer greatly removed from the conflict I used to view Israel as an island under attack from terrorists. Now I'm struggling to see the differences between their activities and blowing up airplanes or launching rockets from schools and hospitals. You can say I'm naive, and why would Israel care about how I feel, but as a country and a people they only exist as long as we're their benefactor, and I don't think I'm alone in how I feel.

BjoernKW 3 days ago

> Now I'm struggling to see the differences between their activities and blowing up airplanes or launching rockets from schools and hospitals.

Well, the obvious difference is that blowing up airplanes or launching rockets at residential areas intentionally targets civilians in order to spread a maximum amount of terror among the civilian population while blowing up pagers that were used for coordinating attacks against Israel very specifically targets operatives involved in such activities.

Some of the initial footage shows such a device going off while innocent bystanders remain unharmed. You can't get any more targeted than that.

Yes, such a pager might have ended up in the hands of a non-involved person, but given the facts known so far that's very unlikely, because there's a reason those people were carrying these devices on them: They were afraid of being tracked down by Mossad in the first place.

  • zer0x4d 2 days ago

    Many people fail to see this. You can't compare a terrorist attack that intentionally targets civilians with no apparent military target to a legitimate attack on a defined military target that unfortunately results in some collateral damage.

    • abalone 2 days ago

      Many people fail to see this because they have an intact moral core. Conducting a military operation that has a fully predictable rate of civilian casualties is morally equivalent to targeting those civilians.

      Israel has utilized a rate of expected civilian to militant casualties in Gaza at the rate of 100:1 [1].


      • Terr_ 2 days ago

        > Conducting a military operation that has a fully predictable rate of civilian casualties is morally equivalent to targeting those civilians.

        By that logic only the absolute number of (expected) civilian deaths matters... which can't be right.

        If it were true, then exploding a city bus (1 soldier, 10 civilians) would be more moral than striking a military base (1,000 soldiers, 11 civilians.)

        It would also suggest a kind of blame-shifting if one side decides to install their missile launchers in the playgrounds of elementary schools or whatever.

    • oneeyedpigeon 2 days ago

      There are many points on this grey line, and we often fail to recognise those in the middle. For example, between your two points is a very significant type of action that this one may well fall under: an attack on a military target that you are fully aware will result in significant collateral damage.

      • chii 2 days ago

        > you are fully aware will result in significant collateral damage.

        and the terrorists deliberately place themselves in a position where attacks on them results in massive collateral - aka, they want a human shield.

  • stahtops 2 days ago

    The act of modifying and/or deploying the devices was targeted. That’s it.

    Carrying out an explosives attack across a large geographic area that includes public spaces, with no specific intelligence on the location of the devices, or who is within the blast range, is the exact opposite of targeted.

    • raxxorraxor 2 days ago

      What on earth would be more targeted than compromising pagers that only Hezbollah military is using?

      At some point the criticism really gets absurd. There probably was collateral damage, yes. This is what you have to account for if you start wars against another nation. Repeatedly.

      Opposite of targeted are the missiles that hit northern Israel.

      • anon291 2 days ago

        For these people, there will never be an attack good enough, targeted enough, or proper enough

        It's because they're not motivated by fairness but a pre existing idea of who is good or bad

    • zaptrem 2 days ago

      In terms of collateral damage it seems much better than even the most precise missiles, though.

  • abalone 2 days ago

    > Some of the initial footage shows such a device going off while innocent bystanders remain unharmed.

    This is anecdotal and misleading. There are reports of civilians maimed including the murder of a child. This is entirely plausible due to the indiscriminate nature of these bombs with respect to immediate bystanders.

    If an enemy had set off thousands of small bombs in American supermarkets and homes, maiming thousands of whoever was nearby and killing children, we would undoubtedly call it a mass terrorist attack.

    • nindalf 2 days ago

      2000+ bombs hurting 2000 fighters and one child? I'd argue that almost no war is without collateral damage, but this one action might be uniquely low in the amount of collateral damage done.

      > This is anecdotal and misleading

      I saw 5 videos and in every case only the person carrying the pager was hurt. Even people less than a foot away weren't harmed. Look at the video on the front page of right now to see what it's like. Highly targeted at Hizbullah soldiers, no bystanders hurt. The exact opposite of "indiscriminate".

      You're working yourself up into some righteous anger about this, which is fine, that's your choice. But at least recognise that that's what you're doing. You need a certain narrative to be true so you're twisting facts to suit that.

      • abalone 2 days ago

        > no bystanders hurt

        This is incorrect. There are reports of maimed civilians and a murdered child.

        There is no comprehensive information yet on the ratio of civilians to militants maimed by this attack, and any claims otherwise are propaganda.

        • dlubarov 2 days ago

          Sure, there has been at least one civilian death, and others might be reported later. While we don't have numbers yet, the evidence so far suggests a low ratio of civilian casualties, probably much lower than what's possible using convention warfare against an enemy embedded in a civilian population.

  • remram 3 days ago

    > Eight killed and 2,750 wounded

    Such a pager did end up hurting non-involved people, in great quantity.

    • temporalparts 2 days ago

      I know there is a documented case of a non-involved person getting injured, but do you have evidence that this attack was not 99% effective? The attack vector was the device specifically used only by involved people.

      • snypher 2 days ago

        A 9 year old child was killed, proving this attack wasn't as targeted as you think. However Israel is happy to accept any amount of collateral damage as long as it doesn't happen to them.

    • Sabinus 2 days ago

      Incredible, Israel can use tiny bombs in the personal possession of terrorists and they'll still be accused of warcrimes.

      • remram 2 days ago

        Whatever words you're reading when you look at mine might be incredible, what I wrote is almost 3000 wounded in the crossfire, including children.

        You're ignoring that and pretending they're accused of something else. Why?

    • ineedasername 2 days ago

      What is the quantity? Reports are the beepers were purchased directly by Hezbollah for their use.

    • [removed] 2 days ago
    • rattray 2 days ago


      • colordrops 2 days ago

        It was in public, and there are videos of the public explosions. There are videos of hospitals with many doctors laying around bloodied.

  • Taniwha 3 days ago

    They were lucky someone wasn't carrying one on a plane

    • belorn 3 days ago

      I wonder if it would endanger the plane. A 20g explosive sitting in the pocket of a person will clearly cause serious injury, but I am unsure if it has penetration power to actually go through the plane body. I am reminded of mythbusters experiments with small amount of explosives to block up doors, but I don't recall how much they needed in the end.

      • WalterBright 2 days ago

        Poking holes in the fuselage of a jetliner isn't going to take down a plane. Consider the cases of a turbine fan blade taking out a window, the case where the MAX door panel blew off, the cases where the cargo door came off, and the 737 "convertible" case. You'd have to take out a large part of the structure to bring it down.

        Take a look at all the photos of B-17s taking severe combat damage yet returning home. Jetliners are a lot more redundant today than the B-17s were.

        However, if the hole took out the flight controls, or set a fire, then the airplane has a big problem.

      • Sindisil 2 days ago

        What about the person sitting next to the target?

        • belorn 2 days ago

          Naturally the close quarters will results in multiple people being harmed. The question is more about the physics and if the explosives has enough penetrating power to go through the walls of the plane.

          The bigger risk to the plane (and passengers) would likely be if the person carrying the explosive was working in the airport and the explosion occurred during a critical moment, like when a pilot is taxiing.

    • mattmaroon 3 days ago

      Most of the flight would be out of range and I’m not even sure that explosion would take out a plane. Plus it would probably be powered off because Hezbollah is serious about flight safety.

      • hypeatei 2 days ago

        > I’m not even sure that explosion would take out a plane

        I take it you would have no problem being on a plane with one (or even multiple) of these pagers going off then? What kind of argument is this?

        • mattmaroon 2 days ago

          I wouldn’t want to be near it anywhere so what’s the difference between a plane and a grocery store?

          The comment implied Israel was risking blowing up an entire plane when we were discussing whether it was targeted or not.

          Go play in the other room, the grownups are talking.

    • knight_47 2 days ago

      I was thinking about this, but then it probably wouldn't even get past a security xray scan. Which makes me think, in the 5 or so months these were reported to being in the wild, one never boarded a plane?

      • agapon 2 days ago

        Hamas terrorists boarding commercial airplanes? With their secret pagers on them?

        Somehow I don't think so.

    • jarsin 3 days ago

      Do we know whether or not they embedded gps tracking into the bombs?

      I would think they would have that ability, not just to avoid a horrible accident like blowing up a plane, but also to gather valuable tracking intel on a terrorist organization.

      • satori99 3 days ago

        My understanding is that pagers are typically radio Rx-only, and that it is not possible to track their location like a cellular device -- which is likely why Hezbollah chose to use them.

        Though it would be possible to add this ability when the hardware was intercepted, a transmitting device is also easy to detect.

    • alphan0n 2 days ago

      A pager wouldn’t have been able to connect to any networks at altitude.

      • Terr_ 2 days ago

        From what I can find, the targeted pager-model can receive UHF messages in the 450~470MHz range. That could reach passenger jet cruise altitudes if the transmitter is strong enough.

        I think it's safest to assume Hezbollah are using strong transmitters, because they'll want to be able to broadcast across rather large areas and in a way that resists potential jamming.

        On the flip side, I'm having a hard time imagining these as threats to an entire airplane, given the tight constraints on how much explosive power can be secretly snuck into a functioning pager.

        • alphan0n a day ago

          Penetration of 450-480MHz through the shell of an airplane would, on the ground,require a transmission strength of approximately .4dB/m at a distance of 1 kilometer, which is doable by most measures, but would quickly become unrealistic as the plane gained altitude.

      • blantonl 2 days ago

        Pagers don’t “connect” to networks.

    • [removed] 3 days ago
  • rakoo 2 days ago

    > blowing up airplanes or launching rockets at residential areas intentionally targets civilians in order to spread a maximum amount of terror among the civilian population

    Which is exactly what Israel has been doing for decades by

    installing an apaitheid regime

    colonizing palestinian land

    kicking hundreds of thousands of people off of their homes

    putting guns on their head day in day out

    running on them with tanks while their families must watch

    destroy the graves in an attempt to dehumanize even more

    and on and on and on since a time when none of us was even born. Let's not pretend Israel is the good guy here. There are no good guys, and while I don't accept the acts of Hezbollah, what is a colonized people being genocided to do when the world doesn't care about them being denied human rights ?

  • WillowBullock 2 days ago

    Israel also do bad things. Maybe it flies under the radar of being called terrorism by the west - but look at west banks settlements, jailing kids forever for throwing stones, turning Gaza into something that makes Mad Max look like a dream in the name of self-defence, appartheid conditions in Israel and the occupied territories. Offensives on Gaza before Oct 7 - 2023 was particularly bad, and the general embargo aroudn Gaza that made life pretty rotten before the current war - etc.

    Israel do enough operations that ticks the "look we killed soldiers guys!" box and they really like to get media attention on that. Otherwise it is "Hamas was hiding there". Hard to verify - they may be right sometimes, but I bet not all the time based on the the number of deaths and the amount of destruction in Gaza.

    • km3r 2 days ago

      > jailing kids forever for throwing stones

      This isn't happening. Kids are being jailed for throwing stones, yes. Just like you or I would be jailed if we threw a rock at a cop. But it is not "forever".

  • [removed] 2 days ago
  • ardfard 3 days ago


    • 1over137 3 days ago

      >This is an indiscriminate attack.

      It’s the opposite. They discriminated carefully.

      Perhaps you mean to say innocent bystanders also were collateral damage, which certainly seems true also.

      • stahtops 2 days ago

        They may have discriminated carefully on which devices were modified, but any care or intelligence ends there.

        When they triggered the bombs, they can’t have known who or what was in the blast radius. Video shows one going off in a produce market. The fact that those variables are uncontrolled make it indiscriminate, by definition.

    • BjoernKW 3 days ago

      > This is false. Many innocents are killed including children

      That article - just like all other sources - mentions one 8-year-old girl, not "many innocents" and not several children either. Hence, this is deliberate misinformation.

      > You can't determine where the device is when the bomb is activated.

      You absolutely can. It's highly likely to be in the targeted person's pocket. Where else would it be?

      After all, people usually don't hand their phones to random strangers or leave them lying around - and those pagers aren't even mere personal devices used for private purposes. Why would any of those devices end up anywhere else but the pocket of the person using it?

      > This is an indiscriminate attack.

      Launching rockets at civilians is. Blowing up pagers explicitly used for terrorist activities isn't.

      • Ichthypresbyter 2 days ago

        >After all, people usually don't hand their phones to random strangers or leave them lying around - and those pagers aren't even mere personal devices used for private purposes

        And even compared to a phone, the limited functionality of a pager means the owner isn't going to hand it to a friend to show them a funny video or sports highlight, or to a kid to let them play games on it.

        • necovek 2 days ago

          TBH, toddlers and younger kids would find pagers extremely fun: if you are at home, I wouldn't think that too far fetched.

          However, since children causalties are "good anti-propaganda", any more would have certainly been reported, so I doubt there are more. Still, how successful targeting was is anyone's guess.

      • wholinator2 3 days ago

        > You absolutely can. It's highly likely to be in the targeted person's pocket.

        This seems intentionally avoiding the point. Duh, it's a pager. The real question is can the person donating the explosive tell if the pocket is completely isolated from innocents or if it's standing in a crowded line sitting very near to a childs head.

        I do believe that Israel _tried_ to discriminate but its an explosive, you can only aim those to a point. Israel wasn't deliberately trying to kill children/harm innocents, Isreal did knowingly engage in a set of actions where it was possible outcome.

        I want to be clear i am not trying to choose a side. These are actions of war in the 21st century.

      • ardfard 3 days ago

        > After all, people usually don't hand their phones to random strangers or leave them lying around - and those pagers aren't even mere personal devices used for private purposes. Why would any of those devices end up anywhere else but the pocket of the person using it?

        I leave my phone all the time, my kids are actually playing games on it. Also, I can be on public transportation, I can be driving, near a flammable object, or boarding a plane. As demonstrated an 8-year-old girl died, it's enough proof that an innocent died.

  • esjeon 2 days ago

    > You can't get any more targeted than that.

    We can nuke a dictator. It's going to blow up everything within miles, evaporating millions of people, but it can't get any more targeted than that. Deal with it.

    Seriously, tho, it's infuriating that a government literally triggered explosion among general public, right in front of innocent eyes. This is an act of terrorism, harming the lives of innocent people who've been largely unrelated to the conflict.

_DeadFred_ 3 days ago

There are 100,000+ northern Israeli's who are refugees inside Israel because Hezbollah is firing hundred of rockets indiscriminately daily at civilian targets, but Israel doing something specifically targeted at higher level Hezbollah operatives makes you feel like Israel is doing exactly the same thing? All while you don't even yet know the reason for the Israeli op (was it to stop an imminent Hezbollah action? Seems odd that this also impacted so many operative in Syria, doesn't it? Why aren't people mentioning that this was larger than Lebanon?)

  • r00fus 3 days ago

    Why? Why is Hezbollah firing rockets into Israel?

    You don't mention Gaza or Palestinians, yet it's right there (and been there for 75+ years).

    • WorkerBee28474 3 days ago

      > Why is Hezbollah firing rockets into Israel?

      Hezbollah states that their aims include destroying Israel, instilling a Muslim government in the land, and converting the people to Islam.

      They have explicitly said that they will never coexist peacefully.

      • Cthulhu_ 2 days ago

        Yeah but what pissed them off so much? (spoiler: it was Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon)

        • nindalf 2 days ago

          From the first two sentences on wikipedia

          > The 1982 Lebanon War began on 6 June 1982, when Israel invaded Lebanon. The invasion followed a series of attacks and counter-attacks between the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) operating in southern Lebanon and the Israeli military that had caused civilian casualties on both sides of the border.

          You asked "but what pissed them off so much". Maybe it was the PLO operating in Lebanon, not sure.

      • ardfard 2 days ago

        Nice, using Islam as a scapegoat. Lebanon is a democratic republic that has 43.4% Christian population. If that is their intention, why not focus on their country first rather than attacking Israel?

    • _DeadFred_ 3 days ago

      Hezbollah is firing rockets to conduct terrorism on the civilian population living in the area. Are you are OK with terrorism if you feel it's justified?

    • _blk 3 days ago


      • Aeolun 3 days ago

        I think the desire to throw grenades over the fence comes more from the neighbor coming over the fence once in a while and murdering anything he finds.

      • ardfard 3 days ago

        You forgot to mention your neighbor razed the yard and killed some relatives too. Throwing some Molotovs, while it may not justified, is still an expected reaction.

    • amy-petrik-214 2 days ago

      > Why is Hezbollah firing rockets into Israel?

      Why, Israel sent them a page and they are merely returning the call, as would be the right thing to do among polite company.

      • _DeadFred_ 2 days ago

        By firing thousands of rockets indiscriminately into civilian areas? That is polite, civil, and worthy of a joke to you?

  • gizajob 2 days ago

    Well, yesterday’s actions aren’t really gonna fix that situation for those 100,000 Israelis now though are they? It wasn’t designed to make that border region safer overnight because those rockets are going to keep coming even more often now. Hezbolah might even get so pissed off they go all out and rush the border.

    • walrushunter 2 days ago

      It absolutely alleviates the situation. The rockets were going to be fired either way. Now with a few dead, a bunch of wounded, and a communication channel disabled, it's going to be harder to coordinate future rocket attacks.

    • GordonS 2 days ago


      • raxxorraxor 2 days ago

        It looks like Israel wants to be secure. It was attacked in October and since then retaliated to attacks.

        It is not a terrorist attack, it was an reaction of Hezbollah indiscriminately firing rockets into Israel. That are terror attacks. Something UN troops are supposed to stop, but that is another topic.

        You can look up what Hezbollah wants and that is nothing else than the elimination of Israel. The terror is almost exclusively one sided here and it is sourced from radical fundamentalism.

        And no, Israel doesn't not murder, rape and torture, that is purely projection.

  • cornercasechase 3 days ago


    • ghufran_syed 3 days ago

      Sure, except Moses and the Jewish people were on the land around 1500 BC, and the Islamic religion didn't start until after 500 CE. So the Jewish people got there at least 2000 years earlier, so if we are doing the "who ethnically cleansed who" game, I think the Jewish people appear to be at most, reversing the previous ethnic cleansing? Or is there some kind of moral "expiry date" on ethnic cleansing?

      • treetalker 3 days ago

        This is a pretty heated thread, and I’m not trying to fan any flames: the Assyrians and Sumerians were there before that. It always seemed a bit arbitrary to me to claim land based on whose religion started first — although not quite as arbitrary as “my God said it’s mine, so there.” Plus I believe they claimed that Ashur promised the land to them.

      • ardfard 3 days ago

        I think we can all agree that the ancient Roman and Byzantine empires were not exactly gold standards in protecting human rights. However, the fact that something was done to the Jews thousands of years ago does not make it acceptable to do the same to another population today.

      • cheeseomlit 3 days ago

        The birth of Islam did not cause a whole new race of people to spring from the ground, some of their ancestors lived in the region as well. And according to the Torah the Jewish people who came to that region with Moses during the exodus had to fight off the caananites and philistines before they could settle, so apparently itd been occupied for a while- not that I'd put too much stock in the ancient history thats come down to us, certainly not enough to enforce modern territorial claims

    • _DeadFred_ 3 days ago

      Ah so indiscriminate rocket attacks on civilians is OK if you like the reason for it. Heck of a stance to take.

    • PixyMisa 2 days ago

      There are two million Arabs and Muslims living as citizens of Israel.

      They have more rights in Israel than they would in any Arab nation.

      Gaza was handed back entirely to Palestinian rule in 2005. Everything Jewish was removed, even graves.

    • light_hue_1 2 days ago

      Violently expanding into Gaza?

      You don't know even the most basic facts.

      Israel left Gaza. It gave the Palestinians what they wanted. Their own area with no settlers. Israel forcefully removed all of its people from all of Gaza.

      In exchange they immediately voted in a terrorist organization as their government and began to attack Israel over and over again.

      • cornercasechase 2 days ago

        Almost a million people are displaced in Gaza (violently) as we speak.

      • aguaviva 2 days ago

        Violently expanding into Gaza?

        Yes, very violently, and on a massively greater scale than before. Just ask the country's National Security Minister:

        Backing settlement, Ben Gvir says he’d be ‘very happy to live in Gaza’ after the war

        If ‘hundreds of thousands’ of Palestinians leave the Strip, ‘we will be able to bring in more and more people,’ minister says

    • jojobas 2 days ago

      There are like 20% Arabs among Israel citizens. The are about 20 (not %, just 20) Jews in Lebanon. Who's ethnically cleansing whom again?

      Both Jews and Palestinian Arabs have legitimate claims against each other. The levels of barbarity in pursuing these claims is not even remotely comparable.

    • yadaeno 3 days ago

      How is it ethnically cleansed if 20% of the Israeli population is native?

      • FridayoLeary 3 days ago

        By native i assume you mean arab. Not to mention that the infant mortality rate dropped something like 90% after the state was founded and the arab population is still growing at a huge rate.

      • judahmeek 3 days ago

        The percentage of native population used to be 100%, so I don't think pointing out the change in percentage really works in favor of your argument.

AnarchismIsCool 3 days ago

There are old stories of the Russians planting mines inside children's toys during some of the later cold war conflicts. This is starting to feel a bit like that. Nobody had any way of knowing who was holding those pagers when they sent that packet but they still distributed thousands of munitions throughout the populace and pressed the red button. Now there are probably at least a hundred or so still out there that haven't exploded and are just live UXO sitting in people's desk drawers.

I'd say it's pretty fucked.

  • WillPostForFood 3 days ago

    It is morally fucked to compare trapping children's toys with trapping the communications devices of soldiers in a war.

    • primroot 18 hours ago

      Yes. Except there are credible reports of Israel also doing this in the past. "Israeli fighter planes have also attempted to kill children by dropping thousands of booby-trapped toys on Lebanese villages and towns. The Israeli occupying forces have used this method through the years and continue to do so, the most recent example being when booby-trapped toys were dropped on the town of Nabatiyah, killing and injuring children and permanently disfiguring others."

    • hypeatei 2 days ago

      So you can guarantee every single pager went to a solider of war? By that logic, soldiers in the Ukraine war also use cellphones and drones so it's A-OKAY to implant bombs in those products too?

      • shmatt 2 days ago

        These weren’t sold at a Best Buy.

        They were purchased by a known terrorist organizations that any westerner would go to jail for having a financial relationship with .

        The types of people they deal with to buy anything at all - including black market weapons and machinery - are dubious

        The US does these exact same things to infiltrate Mexican cartels

      • jojobas 2 days ago

        There are acceptable levels of collateral damage.

        You can bomb an ordnance storage facility even if there's a hospital right next to it (or, in fact, right not on top of it).

        They've made sure the pagers were used by Hezbollah first and foremost, tough shit if few were given to kids to play.

        And yes if Ukrainians were able to blow up all drones within say 50km of the front lines on the Russian side they'd be justified to do that, even if some were in civilians' hands.

      • golol 2 days ago

        Even if up to 30% of casualties were civilian this would still be quite a surgical strike in my opinion. At 50% I would not say so anymore. Nobody knows yet anyways.

      • walrushunter 2 days ago

        How could I possibly personally guarantee that?

        If your standard for engaging in military action is that they must be able to prove to you personally that their target is really a militant, you are completely delusional.

  • primroot 18 hours ago

    "Israeli fighter planes have also attempted to kill children by dropping thousands of booby-trapped toys on Lebanese villages and towns. The Israeli occupying forces have used this method through the years and continue to do so, the most recent example being when booby-trapped toys were dropped on the town of Nabatiyah, killing and injuring children and permanently disfiguring others."

  • EGreg 3 days ago


    • Aeolun 3 days ago

      It's a bit silly to think the Ukrainians would do something like this, because any such thing would instantly lose them the war as all western support is withdrawn.

      Russia meanwhile... they just seem like they want to see the world burn. Given the fact they're fighting using convicted criminals, it doesn't seem all that far fetched.

      • anavat 2 days ago

        Western media has full control over information and if Ukrainians would do something like this, no one would even know.

        There were multiple cases of Ukrainians doing something evil or borderline evil that were swept under the rug. One of the recent examples is the cassette munition explosion over a beach in Sevastopol, which killed few children and wounded a hundred of people. I stopped following the war closely but it got my attention because that's my home town. And in this case I even agree that the rocket wasn't specifically targeting the beach (that would be stupid), it was likely targeting the nearby airbase; but that's not the point.The point is that every single time something like this happens, it gets silenced.

        There are multiple high-quality videos of the explosion recorded from different angles. On Reddit, a high-quality video of an even like this, surreal and frightening, would otherwise have been upvoted to skies. But not when it puts Ukrainians in bad light! One the next day, as a random Reddit user, you'd never even know about this event (I wonder how many people know about this at all).

        And again, this is just one example. I can probably collect few hundreds of cases likes this over the first two years of the war, where as a Western media consumer you would never know about something that could potentially change your opinion on the conflict. And just like this, you're being manipulated. Of course, so are the Russians who solely rely on Russian news sources. The only way to know the truth is to follow both sides closely, especially to what each side hides and silences. You'd be surprised.

      • yonaguska 2 days ago


        • Aeolun 2 days ago

          I think the one thing that I think completely turns me off this logic is that it’s only proponents seem to be the ones that feel like it’s fine for Russia to keep what it’s unlawfully taken.

          Sure, there’s a bunch of drone footage of Ukraine dropping shit on barely moving Russian soldiers, but I’m not sure if that’s an indictment of Russia or Ukraine.

poisonarena 3 days ago

>as a country and a people they only exist as long as we're their benefactor

Why do so many people think this? If the US stopped "giving" them "military aid" which is actually just disney dollars to spend in the US military industrial complex they would be out a small percentage of their defense budget.

walrushunter 2 days ago

"Israel orchestrating an attack against the terrorists they're at war with makes me think less of them" is certainly an opinion. A batshit fucking stupid opinion, but you're entitled to it nonetheless.

Please don't vote.

[removed] 3 days ago
anon291 2 days ago

> as we're their benefactor, and I don't think I'm alone in how I feel.

It's undoubtedly true the US supports Israel generally, but Israel is more capable of its own.

[removed] 3 days ago
fracus 2 days ago

When you don't treat people who are brutally uncivilized with civility, it isn't long before people forget who the bad guy is and where it all started. If you are a civilized society, you have to treat the uncivil with civility. You have to set an example.

  • komali2 2 days ago

    Your perspective is that the Palestinians are brutally uncivilized?

    • fracus 2 days ago

      I think it is more telling you made that assumption.

      • komali2 2 days ago

        I was trying to bridge a communication gap by offering an interpretion. In truth I don't understand your comment at all, but I never go to stack overflow empty handed for example.

senectus1 3 days ago

jesus, this is going to make taking electronics on aircraft damned near impossible now.

  • gonzo41 3 days ago

    This is probably the biggest impact tbh. I wonder if the US public would support these actions if it knew it was going to come back on them with longer TSA lines.

  • graeme 3 days ago

    Surely airport security scanners scan for explosive material

    • Cthulhu_ 2 days ago

      To a point, but it's spot checks at best; a state actor has full access to the wide range of explosive compounds, surely there's some that wouldn't be detected (or that can be handled and packaged in such a way that it doesn't get detected)?

    • caf 2 days ago

      The explosive scanning is the thing where they pull some people out of line and run a wand over you and your gear, then put it into a machine and wait a few seconds for the analysis.

  • [removed] 3 days ago
  • _DeadFred_ 3 days ago

    Just like everything else 90s the transparent iMac G3 look is going to be coming back only in the non-ironic prison use for having everything in a clear case (to check for contraband).

dmead 3 days ago

They were never different. They just speak English better than the arabs.

[removed] 3 days ago
mjfl 2 days ago

you should really take a rigorous look into the history of early Israel and the ideologies of its founding members like Hertzl and Jabotinsky. They have always been terrorists.