Comment by jojobas

Comment by jojobas 3 days ago

6 replies

There are acceptable levels of collateral damage.

You can bomb an ordnance storage facility even if there's a hospital right next to it (or, in fact, right not on top of it).

They've made sure the pagers were used by Hezbollah first and foremost, tough shit if few were given to kids to play.

And yes if Ukrainians were able to blow up all drones within say 50km of the front lines on the Russian side they'd be justified to do that, even if some were in civilians' hands.

loceng 3 days ago

You've been victim of what's called manufactured consent.

Why hasn't Israel allowed any investigations in Gaza, not showing evidence they're using to obliterate practically all of Palestine now, not allowing foreign journalists in either to document things?

  • jojobas 3 days ago

    This is just a bunch of non-sequiturs.

    • loceng 2 days ago

      It logically fits, you're just avoiding and trying to control the goal posts/scope of what's talked about.

      You'd prefer we mostly only talk about Oct. 7th and afterward, right?

      • jojobas 2 days ago

        No, we sure can go all the way back to 1948 and talk about how Israel gained territory in a series of defensive wars, Palestinians and their Arab allies getting their asses handed back to them every single time.

        We'll sure find some occurrences of Israel chasing away Arab civilians early on, but that's beside the point. This attack, and the absolute majority of Israel attacks of the last decades, target enemy combatants, and civilians only ever suffer collaterally. Israel never mounted an attack on civilians, and went very far in reducing civilian casualties when attacking combatants - roof knocking and all that.