Comment by jojobas

Comment by jojobas 2 days ago

2 replies

No, we sure can go all the way back to 1948 and talk about how Israel gained territory in a series of defensive wars, Palestinians and their Arab allies getting their asses handed back to them every single time.

We'll sure find some occurrences of Israel chasing away Arab civilians early on, but that's beside the point. This attack, and the absolute majority of Israel attacks of the last decades, target enemy combatants, and civilians only ever suffer collaterally. Israel never mounted an attack on civilians, and went very far in reducing civilian casualties when attacking combatants - roof knocking and all that.

loceng a day ago

Cool, let's go further back than that - but I'll start it off with putting a thought exercise forward to you, with this scenario:

Due to your compassion for the displaced Palestinians, most of which who's homes have been obliterated - if they weren't "killed" themselves,

What % of your assets/land/property that you own will you be willing to give the Palestinian citizens to support them after this atrocity?

Remember, in this scenario you're not being forced to give this - it's out of the goodness of your heart. What percentage would you give?

How about 54% of everything you own?

And so in conclusion, I'm most curious if you will avoid answering because you'll see my point and your answer will out you as a hypocrite?

I'll have followup questions if you're willing to engage and not fearful to engage in discussion.

  • jojobas 14 hours ago

    How 'bout 0%? I have zero compassion with displaced Palestinians - they were wronged, but what they did after was so much wronger.

    We both know how Palestinians repaid those who was kind to them- by Lebanon Civil War and Black September. Israel was ready to cede what it won in defensive wars, they got out of Gaza, built infrastructure and invested in businesses to provide jobs.

    Palestinians had countless opportunities to make peace and live a better life. They choose war every single time, made Dalal Mughrabi their hero, dug up water pipes and made missiles out of them.