Comment by light_hue_1

Comment by light_hue_1 3 days ago

6 replies

Violently expanding into Gaza?

You don't know even the most basic facts.

Israel left Gaza. It gave the Palestinians what they wanted. Their own area with no settlers. Israel forcefully removed all of its people from all of Gaza.

In exchange they immediately voted in a terrorist organization as their government and began to attack Israel over and over again.

cornercasechase 3 days ago

Almost a million people are displaced in Gaza (violently) as we speak.

  • light_hue_1 2 days ago

    How is this violently expanding into Gaza?

    That's like saying that during the us invasion of Iraq to replace the regime the US expanded into Iraq. It did not. The us didn't settle Iraq.

    I stand by my statement that people here talk with authority without knowing even the most basic facts.

    • cornercasechase 2 days ago

      The US definitely violently expanded into Iraq. What Israel is doing is even more extreme.

aguaviva 3 days ago

Violently expanding into Gaza?

Yes, very violently, and on a massively greater scale than before. Just ask the country's National Security Minister:

Backing settlement, Ben Gvir says he’d be ‘very happy to live in Gaza’ after the war

If ‘hundreds of thousands’ of Palestinians leave the Strip, ‘we will be able to bring in more and more people,’ minister says

  • light_hue_1 2 days ago


    • aguaviva 2 days ago

      Do you even believe this nonsense?

      Of course the guy's a lunatic. He also happens to have a lot of support within certain very powerful circles, not in spite of but because of what he's proposing to do in Gaza, and for his lunatic, outright fascistic worldview generally. That's why they made him National Security Minister, after all.

      There was nothing remotely racist in my post, and I don't appreciate the smear.