gonzo41 3 days ago

This is probably the biggest impact tbh. I wonder if the US public would support these actions if it knew it was going to come back on them with longer TSA lines.

graeme 3 days ago

Surely airport security scanners scan for explosive material

  • Cthulhu_ 2 days ago

    To a point, but it's spot checks at best; a state actor has full access to the wide range of explosive compounds, surely there's some that wouldn't be detected (or that can be handled and packaged in such a way that it doesn't get detected)?

  • caf 2 days ago

    The explosive scanning is the thing where they pull some people out of line and run a wand over you and your gear, then put it into a machine and wait a few seconds for the analysis.

[removed] 3 days ago
_DeadFred_ 3 days ago

Just like everything else 90s the transparent iMac G3 look is going to be coming back only in the non-ironic prison use for having everything in a clear case (to check for contraband).