Comment by WalterBright

Comment by WalterBright 3 days ago

3 replies

Poking holes in the fuselage of a jetliner isn't going to take down a plane. Consider the cases of a turbine fan blade taking out a window, the case where the MAX door panel blew off, the cases where the cargo door came off, and the 737 "convertible" case. You'd have to take out a large part of the structure to bring it down.

Take a look at all the photos of B-17s taking severe combat damage yet returning home. Jetliners are a lot more redundant today than the B-17s were.

However, if the hole took out the flight controls, or set a fire, then the airplane has a big problem.

komali2 3 days ago

In some of the cases you mentioned, there were passenger deaths due to being ejected from the aircraft. I'm on mobile or I'd link exactly which incidents but I remember at least two cases from when I was bored in a lecture and read through most of Wikipedia's "list of deaths in aircraft incidents" list or whatever it's called

  • WalterBright 3 days ago

    Yes, there are passenger deaths from some of those incidents. But the plane wasn't brought down.

shiroiushi 2 days ago

>Poking holes in the fuselage of a jetliner isn't going to take down a plane. Consider the cases of

These are all fake news. According to Hollywood, a single bullet from a gun will cause an airplane to break apart in mid-air. You can't honestly expect me to believe Hollywood movies get physics wrong.

Similarly, as soon as a car's wheels leave the ground, it bursts into a fireball according to many TV shows I've seen.
