Comment by raxxorraxor

Comment by raxxorraxor 2 days ago

2 replies

It looks like Israel wants to be secure. It was attacked in October and since then retaliated to attacks.

It is not a terrorist attack, it was an reaction of Hezbollah indiscriminately firing rockets into Israel. That are terror attacks. Something UN troops are supposed to stop, but that is another topic.

You can look up what Hezbollah wants and that is nothing else than the elimination of Israel. The terror is almost exclusively one sided here and it is sourced from radical fundamentalism.

And no, Israel doesn't not murder, rape and torture, that is purely projection.

gizajob 2 days ago

Personally I’m all for Israel’s security. I find it devastating how hard long term peace in the region seems to be, and how it keeps getting further and further away.

GordonS 2 days ago

> It is not a terrorist attack, it was an reaction of Hezbollah indiscriminately firing rockets into Israel

It was literally a terrorist attack - it was designed to cause terror. If Hezbollah had done this to the Israeli government or even IDF reservists, I've no doubt that you would call it a terror attack.

And why might Hezbollah be firing rockets onto Lebanese land illegally occupied by militant Israeli settlers, I wonder? Could it also have something to do with Israel launching unprovoked airstrikes in Lebanon?[0] Israel is the occupier, Israel is the aggressor - Israel needs to stop.

> Something UN troops are supposed to stop

That's ironic, given how many UN staff Israel has murdered since last October.

> And no, Israel doesn't not murder, rape and torture, that is purely projection.

I'm sorry, but you're either incredibly misinformed, or an that's an outright lie - even the UN says Israel has institutionalised the use of abuse, torture, sexual abuse and rape[1][2]. Even B'Tselem, an Israeli human rights group, agrees with this![3]

I've read countless reports of Israel torturing Palestinian hostages - they are doing it on a huge scale, and in mind-bendingly evil ways.

Israel is a sick, apartheid regime that must be stopped.



