Comment by r00fus

Comment by r00fus 3 days ago

23 replies

Why? Why is Hezbollah firing rockets into Israel?

You don't mention Gaza or Palestinians, yet it's right there (and been there for 75+ years).

WorkerBee28474 3 days ago

> Why is Hezbollah firing rockets into Israel?

Hezbollah states that their aims include destroying Israel, instilling a Muslim government in the land, and converting the people to Islam.

They have explicitly said that they will never coexist peacefully.

  • Cthulhu_ 2 days ago

    Yeah but what pissed them off so much? (spoiler: it was Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon)

    • nindalf 2 days ago

      From the first two sentences on wikipedia

      > The 1982 Lebanon War began on 6 June 1982, when Israel invaded Lebanon. The invasion followed a series of attacks and counter-attacks between the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) operating in southern Lebanon and the Israeli military that had caused civilian casualties on both sides of the border.

      You asked "but what pissed them off so much". Maybe it was the PLO operating in Lebanon, not sure.

  • komali2 2 days ago


    • shiroiushi 2 days ago

      >As the Americans discovered, this level of radicalization doesn't come naturally to people.

      It doesn't? Theocratic governments have been around for millennia. They're not some kind of modern invention; they're really just a reversion to how most societies worked in the past.

    • [removed] 2 days ago
    • hersko 2 days ago

      I never understood this logic. We made peace with the Japanese and Germans after the horrors of WWII. There will probably be peace between Russia and Ukraine at some point. Only Arabs attacking a specific country seem to be infantilized to the point where every retaliation is destined to perpetuate the conflict.

  • ardfard 2 days ago

    Nice, using Islam as a scapegoat. Lebanon is a democratic republic that has 43.4% Christian population. If that is their intention, why not focus on their country first rather than attacking Israel?

    • _DeadFred_ 2 days ago

      Lebanon had a civil war along religious lines. There are many Lebanese Christians in the USA that could help you with what seems to be a misunderstanding about the country.

      Hezbollah's founders writings at the time are available online, and that they are clear about their goal being the rule of Islam. Their slogan was 'The Islamic Revolution in Lebanon'. They were founded as an Islamic revolutionary group, that is very core to who they are. Highlighting that is hardly 'using Islam as a scapegoat' whatever that means.

      • ardfard 2 days ago

        You are mentioning a civil war that happened a decade ago that is by no means exclusive to Hezbollah. I couldn't care less what their founders wrote, but, strangely, they care about the rule of Islam in Israel when their president is a Maronite Christian and their party is one of the parliament members. I can agree that they are Iranian proxies for war against Israel, but it's far from installing Islamic rule. I mean they are also responsible for the secular movement that comprised many religious factions [1]


        • _DeadFred_ 2 days ago

          I'm referring to a time when Hezbollah was founded. Kind of important to an organization, it's founding, and it's reason for being founded, don't you think?

          You are trying to obfuscate Hezbollah's public statements calling for Islamic rule. Hezbollah wants Islamic rule and Sharia law for Lebanon, they are very clear about this. Currently realities that they have to put up with do not change that. They are also clear all of their actions and philosophy is consistent with and based on Islamic teaching. Again it is not deceptive to point out they are an Islamic organization.

_DeadFred_ 3 days ago

Hezbollah is firing rockets to conduct terrorism on the civilian population living in the area. Are you are OK with terrorism if you feel it's justified?

  • kombine 2 days ago


    • _DeadFred_ 2 days ago

      Had Israel killed 15000 people when Hezbollah launched, I think it was 3000 rockets at civilians in an attempt to overwhelm Israel's iron dome defenses for civilians, during and immediately after Oct 7th, partnering with Hamas in ending the semi-peace that had been in place in order to kill the maximal amount if Israeli civilians/instill maximal fear? We are talking about those attacks on this thread about Lebanon.

      • kombine 7 hours ago

        > order to kill the maximal amount if Israeli civilians

        This is hasbara. Both are part of the same wider conflict in which Israel is aiming to eliminate Palestine from the map. There was never peace to begin with, including before October 7. Israeli gradual decade-long land grabs are an act of war in themselves.

_blk 3 days ago


  • Aeolun 3 days ago

    I think the desire to throw grenades over the fence comes more from the neighbor coming over the fence once in a while and murdering anything he finds.

  • ardfard 3 days ago

    You forgot to mention your neighbor razed the yard and killed some relatives too. Throwing some Molotovs, while it may not justified, is still an expected reaction.

amy-petrik-214 2 days ago

> Why is Hezbollah firing rockets into Israel?

Why, Israel sent them a page and they are merely returning the call, as would be the right thing to do among polite company.

  • _DeadFred_ 2 days ago

    By firing thousands of rockets indiscriminately into civilian areas? That is polite, civil, and worthy of a joke to you?