Comment by _DeadFred_

Comment by _DeadFred_ 2 days ago

1 reply

Had Israel killed 15000 people when Hezbollah launched, I think it was 3000 rockets at civilians in an attempt to overwhelm Israel's iron dome defenses for civilians, during and immediately after Oct 7th, partnering with Hamas in ending the semi-peace that had been in place in order to kill the maximal amount if Israeli civilians/instill maximal fear? We are talking about those attacks on this thread about Lebanon.

kombine 9 hours ago

> order to kill the maximal amount if Israeli civilians

This is hasbara. Both are part of the same wider conflict in which Israel is aiming to eliminate Palestine from the map. There was never peace to begin with, including before October 7. Israeli gradual decade-long land grabs are an act of war in themselves.