Comment by tqi

Comment by tqi 2 days ago

39 replies

> CUNY Central was so eager to have a centralized MIS tool to use for its own centralizing, corporatizing agenda, that it totally ignored the implications of the Oracle "configure-only" limitation: business processes would have to be made to fit Oracle, not vice versa. Capabilities that we now have will vanish. The staff, the faculty, the students would just have to "adjust" (the technical term being "suck it up").

This is an interesting perspective. From what I've seen / heard from others, it's generally better to adapt processes to the off-the-shelf tool than to try and customize or build from scratch to accommodate your bespoke processes (especially in the business operations realms). For one, the organization is likely less unique than you think, and those bespoke processes are as often a function of some early employee's preference as it is a genuinely good reason. For another, customizing software is not just a one time cost, since every subsequent update / upgrade is likely to require additional work (or at least testing). And finally, in most cases the closer you are to a vanilla, standard process, the more likely you are to stay in compliance with local laws and regulations.

Though I suppose it's possible that the imbalance is just due to the fact that it is much harder to quantify the costs of using a suboptimal (for you) process than it is to look at the procurement contract for a custom solution.

wvenable 2 days ago

I've had the opposite experience. Any attempt to adapt processes to an off-the-shell tool have always been a subpar experience for everyone. I've brought a few of these in house as fully custom software and the end result has been a better user experience and faster changes. If we can buy something that fits the need, we will. But if we can't, we build. And we build a fair bit.

I disagree with "the organization is likely less unique than you think". If you're big enough you will have unique requirements that nobody else has. I'm in the middle of that now in a project to install some industry standard software that runs the whole business and we have to customize and add custom integration into it. I wouldn't want to build software this complex in house but if I was given the resources and tasked to do it, I could, and it would be better.

  • ethbr1 2 days ago

    There are two different scenarios.

    Scenario 1: You're doing something that every other business is doing. E.g. ERP/accounting, sales, contact center, etc.

    Scenario 2: You're doing something few other businesses are doing. E.g. your actual customer business, creative, etc.

    (1) is amenable to making your process fit software, to good results. (2) is usually a train wreck.

    Unfortunately, figuring out if your thing is scenario 1 or 2 is non-trivial.

    Canonical example: EMR/EHR systems in healthcare. You think they'd be the same... but actually there are so many integrations with other systems and/or different sorts of specialists, that a real world implementation has substantial functionality gaps (papered over with custom work).

    • wvenable 2 days ago

      My impression is that most people don't understand just how awful most commercial business software actually is.

      One thing our business does that every other business does is vacation and overtime tracking. We have a custom in house application for that and we've yet to find a commercial replacement that is, in anyway, half decent. For most Payroll/HR systems, this is merely an add-on feature and doesn't get much attention.

      For overtime, integration with our financial system allows overtime to be charged to the correct files and this is something that nobody does (or does well). Probably doing just this little bit makes this project pay for itself.

      • oneplane 2 days ago

        Commercial business software manufacturers are isolated from the users and in a way isolated from consequences as long as they fulfil the contractual obligations (which practically never has a 'make the users happy' stipulation).

        • ethbr1 2 days ago

          I think this is why you only see innovation via alternatives vs within a product.

          E.g. Salesforce, Workday rising up to replace incumbents, but then themselves becoming stale.

      • BrandoElFollito 2 days ago

        Beside the lack of attention, you also have gargantuan legal requirements you need to integrate. Which change all the time. Sometimes a few per country.

        This is for everything: pay, vacation, etc.

        It is really complicated.

    • quercusa a day ago

      I think most moves to EMRs were insufficiently disruptive, e.g., electronic orders recapitulate the old paper orders without using the opportunity to reduce ambiguity and insert constraints to prevent common errors.

      • ethbr1 a day ago

        The problem is that the paper form is the interface, because the ecosystem was designed around it.

        10 years ago or so, I asked a health insurance company why a specific digital form could only list up to 16 diagnostic codes (otherwise a duplicate with the additional needed to be created).

        They thought about the question for a second, then said that's how many were on the paper form the digital system had been created from (35+ years ago).

  • tqi 2 days ago

    > If you're big enough you will have unique requirements that nobody else has.

    Definitely agree, and that is very interesting to hear. I only mean to speak to my experience, and what I saw in a lot of cases was unique requirements that were due to the organizational equivalent of tech debt (ie things like "our books are organized in this unique way because we acquired this other company a many years back but kept their stuff separate because it was the path of least resistance at the time").

    • Spooky23 2 days ago

      That’s a legit issue. What’s the value of changing a deep seated process?

      I have definitely seen examples on both sides of that question. Especially in a place like a public university with multiple collective bargaining agreements. The unions aren’t going to accept significant change without some sort of cost.

      Typically, since processes are built around the system, nobody understands the actual business needs.

    • wvenable 2 days ago

      Nearly all our long-term tech debt come from having to work around limitations in the commercial software we use.

  • manvillej 2 days ago

    > If you're big enough you will have unique requirements that nobody else has.

    the problem is when EVERY process is that way.

    yes, each business has unique aspect to their processes, but when every process is heavily customized by people who have no business designing processes & applications, organizations start to hamstring their flexibility and scalability.

    Its like hand-making a Ferrari with completely custom parts when what you need is a Toyota Camry. If you aren't gonna race with it, its a waste of money.

    I have been working in the ERP space for over a decade. and almost ALL customers have no criteria for when to customize or keep a customization. They don't do any cost benefit analysis or any strategic planning beyond building a customized tool for the thing immediately in front of their nose.

    • wvenable 2 days ago

      Personally I hate software customizations. I prefer to build from scratch using proper software development tools than use whatever piss-poor customization system commercial software typically provides.

      I recently sold my director on building some software from scratch rather than try to combine two commercial products together for some Frankenstiened solution. The motivation for Frankenstiening it is that we are paying for both services so we should use them (and at least one is very customizable). Only after 6 months of failing to get these systems to play together in an acceptable way, I finally asked a team member to spend 3 days building a mock up of a new app. From there it was quickly approved and we hope to roll out next month. I only wish I had done that sooner; we would have had way more time for development.

FartinMowler 2 days ago

Exactly this! I recall a large survey of SAP deployment projects in the late 1990s. By far the most successful consultancy, out of Chicago I think it was, had it written in their contracts "you'll change your business processes to match SAP; not SAP to match your existing business processes" (more or less). By turning away clients who could not accept that, they had happy clients, happy employees (little burn out), and no runaway costly never-ending death march projects.

  • cbsmith 2 days ago

    There's a bit of selection bias going on there though. The reality is that SAP and similar products are designed for a business that works a certain way, and so obviously businesses that fit that profile are most likely to get value from using the tool. However, there's a reason other businesses don't work that way, and often retooling to work the SAP would be a net negative. Sometimes retooling SAP to fit the business is also a net negative, in which case the right choice is just to not use SAP, but I've certainly observed cases where there was a benefit from refactoring the tool to fit the business.

    • jll29 2 days ago

      On "retooling SAP": SAP deliver their systems with all source code and dev platform included, and that may help convince some customers to go for SAP.

      However, those that embark on deviating from the well-trodden path are going to be in trouble soon: after every update, potential changes made need to be re-done or edited or at least tested. So as the parent suggests it's really better to adjust the business process if you can.

      • cbsmith 2 days ago

        > So as the parent suggests it's really better to adjust the business process if you can.

        That's another way of saying that there are serious trade-offs going that way that need to be justified... which may also be true for the path of adjusting the business process.

    • FartinMowler 2 days ago

      There's a ton of variety out there in the real world such that you'll always find a few businesses that match almost any scenario you can imagine. So, yes, for some business doing a process a certain way is a competitive differentiator or advantage ... or even a necessity for their particular industry. For these businesses banging the SAP square peg into their special BP round hole is worth attempting. Even better might be just building their own custom round peg. I'm suggesting that many (not all) businesses are doing a BP a certain way for no compelling reason whatsoever other than that's the way they (almost randomly) picked to do it decades ago and could easily change to a standard practice without loss of competitiveness (maybe even gain by focusing on what does).

      • cbsmith 2 days ago

        Exactly what I'm trying to say, though written better.

    • NearAP 2 days ago

      > There's a bit of selection bias going on there though. The reality is that SAP and similar products are designed for a business that works a certain way

      ERP products are designed following "standard" or "best" practices/processes. It's common to see companies first contract a consulting company to "re-design" their processes before they then try to implement an ERP system.

      • cbsmith 2 days ago

        s/ERP/any other business software product/

        ...and yet there are all kinds of segments where customized tooling is more the norm than otherwise. It just depends on whether the deviation from the norm is a competitive disadvantage or a competitive advantage. There are a lot businesses where in at least one case, it is an advantage.

  • xboxnolifes a day ago

    That's just days it's visible to be selective in your customers, not that all businesses have the same processes or would be better off not customizing.

smt88 2 days ago

> From what I've seen / heard from others, it's generally better to adapt processes to the off-the-shelf tool

I have never seen this work even once. I've actually built entire businesses on the concept that people are impossible to change, but software is easy to change.

  • NearAP 2 days ago

    Not ERPs.

    Customizing ERPs is where consulting firms make money but the ERP vendors themselves advise against this because it becomes expensive maintaining the customizations as new versions of the software and more features are released.

  • mooreds 2 days ago

    Did you use much off the shelf software? I mean, I'm guessing you used databases and frameworks, but were the business process and UI components off the shelf or custom?

    Because it's a tradeoff.

    • smt88 a day ago

      I use as much off-the-shelf as possible. But there is real work involved in adapting software to a company's culture.

      If you do it right, 99% of the work has already been done for you by an existing SaaS or FOSS project, and "all" you have to do is customize it. And generally this doesn't mean "change the config" but rather assemble different building blocks into the right shape.

      This can still be a multi-year project, even when you're writing almost no code. It takes a long time to understand an existing company's culture, processes, and needs.

  • tqi 2 days ago

    Makes sense, this is just my personal experience so it's always interesting to hear what others have seen. I recently learned about Mechanical Orchard[1], which seems to have the same thesis (better to update legacy custom software with a modern custom solution rather than migrate to a modern off-the-shelf solution).


Spooky23 2 days ago

The problem is, the business process shipping with Oracle may be grossly inefficient. Or worse, the former Siebel module and its integration with a former PeopleSoft module may be replaced by some new thing with yet another business process.

In any case, CUNY would likely save $300M hiring clerks armed with excel and paper forms.

Seems like a lot of money wasted, mostly to advance a “lowercase p” political dispute to consolidate HR functions with a questionable benefit.

cafard a day ago

My employer used Peoplesoft, in the days before Oracle bought it. Of course, you can't set up Peoplesoft on your own, you bring in consultants. When I reviewed my notes from all the pitches, I found that they all had said that we should modify our processes to suit Peoplesoft. I guess we did--I was new there.

I would also say that painful, unduly costly implementations seem pretty standard for ERP products. I have heard such stories about SAP.

nfriedly 2 days ago

One more reason to adapt your process to the tool is that it can make hiring/training easier.

jkaptur 2 days ago

Now you have two problems: rolling out the new system and changing the business process. And you'll solve them simultaneously, and if anything goes wrong, you'll roll both back...

  • bluGill 2 days ago

    Business processes change all the time. Often you are better off changing - if you are more like everyone else you can hire someone who knows your processes and they are useful without a lot of training. So short term costs, but long term better.

    • jkaptur 2 days ago

      "IT will tell you what the new process has to be" is usually a pretty tough sell.

themerone 2 days ago

I work on bespoke ERP software, it's not an undertaking to be taken lightly, but you are missing a key point.

Every process that doesn't your software doesn't accommodate becomes a manual process. There is an employee in a sibling department, using other software, who's full time job doing the work of one of my applications in excel.