Comment by mooreds

Comment by mooreds 2 days ago

1 reply

Did you use much off the shelf software? I mean, I'm guessing you used databases and frameworks, but were the business process and UI components off the shelf or custom?

Because it's a tradeoff.

smt88 a day ago

I use as much off-the-shelf as possible. But there is real work involved in adapting software to a company's culture.

If you do it right, 99% of the work has already been done for you by an existing SaaS or FOSS project, and "all" you have to do is customize it. And generally this doesn't mean "change the config" but rather assemble different building blocks into the right shape.

This can still be a multi-year project, even when you're writing almost no code. It takes a long time to understand an existing company's culture, processes, and needs.