mort96 19 hours ago

Nothing's realistically dropping support for v4 any time soon, so v6 support is optional. On the other hand, we're far, far away from all users supporting v6, so v4 support is not optional.

Running a single IP stack is infinitely simpler and easier than running two concurrently, and until that "single IP stack" can be v6, I see very little reason to support it.

  • kstrauser 18 hours ago

    I didn't recommend dropping IPv4. It's a terrible it to start a new project in 2024 without IPv6 support though. It's easy enough to build in from the beginning that there's not any real reason not to go for it.

    And running a dual stack is trivially easy for almost everyone using it. That chart has almost half of Google's users coming in via IPv6. I promise you less than 1% of that 50% have ever even heard of IPv6, let alone done a single thing to configure it. With my ISP I'd have to go out of my way to turn it off, which I haven't done because this isn't 2008 where it broke things more often than never.

    • mort96 18 hours ago

      > It's a terrible it to start a new project in 2024 without IPv6 support though.

      Why? Radical complexity reduction at essentially no cost to yourself or your customers seems like a tempting proposition.

      • kstrauser 17 hours ago

        Exactly! IPv4 management is hideous compared to IPv6 once you grok it. The sooner you upgrade to it, the sooner you can deprecate horrid mitigations like NAT.

  • zoky 19 hours ago

    > Running a single IP stack is infinitely simpler and easier than running two concurrently

    I’d say it’s marginally simpler. Unequivocally it’s quantifiably simpler. But infinitely simpler? That’s a pretty tall claim to make.

    • [removed] 19 hours ago
  • yjftsjthsd-h 19 hours ago

    Depends on your users; there are, for instance, plenty of phones that only natively have v6 and have to use NAT64 to reach v4 websites. So if you have such users, there might be a benefit to supporting v6 directly.

    • mort96 19 hours ago

      As you said though, those users can reach v4 websites.

      • briffle 19 hours ago

        yes, with the increased latency of having to travel to the NAT64 server first. This can also cause you to not use the nearest CDN, etc.

      • electronbeam 18 hours ago

        Its easier to get good latency and bandwidth over v6 than natted v4

  • throw0101a 18 hours ago

    > Nothing's realistically dropping support for v4 any time soon […]

    Or potentially ever, as predicted when IPng was being originally thought about:

          We believe that it is not possible to have a "flag-day" form of
          transition in which all hosts and routers must change over at
          once. The size, complexity, and distributed administration of the
          Internet make such a cutover impossible.
          Rather, IPng will need to co-exist with IPv4 for some period of
          time.  There are a number of ways to achieve this co-existence
          such as requiring hosts to support two stacks, converting between
          protocols, or using backward compatible extensions to IPv4.  Each
          scheme has its strengths and weaknesses, which have to be weighed.
          Furthermore, we note that, in all probability, there will be IPv4
          hosts on the Internet effectively forever.  IPng must provide
          mechanisms to allow these hosts to communicate, even after IPng
          has become the dominant network layer protocol in the Internet.
  • JackSlateur 15 hours ago

    IPv4 at the edge and call it a day.

    Why build today with deprecated technology ? Build your infra v6-only, add a layer at the edge to support old clients via IPv4. Job's done.

    You should design your infrastructure to avoid paying too much for other people's legacy.

    • uid65534 15 hours ago

      I personally push for IPv6-only internal networks whenever possible, and have deployed several such designs in datacenters.

      Unfortunately, a lot of applications are building on platforms where IPv6 is an afterthought if even present at all. Take for example Azure, where IPv6 support is a fucking joke. From core services like Route Server not supporting it, to it being impossible to build v6-only networks due to forced v4 subnet and vNIC requirements, to many services that Microsoft provides only running on v4.

      As much as I want to push IPv6 everywhere, that physically cannot happen until companies support it for all use cases. In the mean time dual stacking can be better than nothing but the complexity is non-trivial when the alternative is just running straight v4...

  • paperplatter 14 hours ago

    IMO the separate-stack nature of ipv6 was a mistake. I can see why they did it, but the changes could've been a lot more incremental otherwise, and we might've been done already. Everyone talks about the biggest change being the 128-bit address space, but the real leap is that pre-existing ipv4 blocks weren't preserved in ipv6.

    • stephen_g 8 hours ago

      The changes couldn’t have been more incremental. Routing hardware only understood the IPv4 header (and at that time I believe a lot of this was baked in silicon). There was no way to create an IPv4+ without needing to replace all the internet’s routers before it could reliably work.

      How would have it made it easier to migrate when all of the new blocks wouldn’t be accessible (in either direction) if the traffic passed through any router that hadn’t yet been upgraded? Nobody could really use any of the extended space at all until every single router had been upgraded to this IPv4+.

      It is a common misunderstanding (I hear “we could have just made IPv4 bigger” a lot) but apart from the routing issues above (needing to replace every router before it could work at all), the endpoints are also a problem. Nothing in the expanded space could actually call out to a legacy IPv4 endpoint - it could sent packets to it, but that legacy host wouldn’t be able to return packets back since it wouldn’t understand the larger address. And of course the legacy endpoint couldn’t initiate a connection to anything in the extended space either from its side.

      So you not only have all the same problems of IPv6 (like needing to upgrade everything), you actually add a bunch of problems of breaking the ability of big parts of the internet from being able to communicate with the rest.

      Dual-stack was necessary because everything couldn’t be switched over on the same day. If everything was upgraded at once, your extended-IPv4 idea would work, but otherwise it would break the internet!

    • namibj 12 hours ago

      They are, though? It's how dual stack sockets work, they just map IPv4 into the part of IPv6 where they belong.

  • ta1243 16 hours ago

    I'm on a laptop on an ipv6 only subnet at the moment which mostly does the job with dn64/nat64.

    The only benefit of this is to increase familiarity with ipv6. I'm trying to push some colleagues to do an ipv6 only section of our network which has limited interconnect, but there's a lot of concern about devices that still don't support ipv6, and ultimately what's the business reason to do it compared with subnetting 10.0/8 and natting at your firewalls

    • mort96 16 hours ago

      I'm very happy to not have to know what dns64 and nat64 is.

      • ta1243 15 hours ago

        And many people are happy to not know what an IP address is either. That's fine.

        I find it amazing how that lack of curiosity about how computers work extends into modern software developers, I guess that the majority of the industry nowadays are people that do things like "bootcamps" and go into it for the money.

        I have no need for ipv6, however I wanted to know about it so spent a couple of hours setting myself up with it. I don't bother with the latest fads that last 3 or 4 years and then are replaced by a new fad, but ipv6 has been around long enough that it's clearly not a fad.

sylware 18 hours ago

In my country, nearly all ISPs provide native IPv6, and I include mobile internet (we are closer to 100% than 50%).

pclmulqdq 20 hours ago

IPv4 stuff is accessible over IPv6. It's just the other way around that is not the case.

  • ComputerGuru 19 hours ago

    Not by default it’s not. An ipv6-only deployment cannot natively access an ipv4 network, there is no backwards comparability in the protocol.

    • pclmulqdq 19 hours ago

      I get that you're trying to make a point, but NAT64 makes this not a real problem. Every practical use of IPv6 can access IPv4 hosts.

    • commandersaki 19 hours ago

      I'm pretty sure we're discussing about connecting to the Internet.

      What I understood is being implied is that ipv6 has little utility if it cannot access ipv4, but is not the case the other way around.

      • Arnt 19 hours ago

        How would v6 connect to v4? Specifically, how would the return packets back from v4 to v6 be routed?

    • ahoef 19 hours ago

      One of the many missed opportunities of IPv6.

      • teraflop 19 hours ago

        I keep seeing people say this, but nobody ever takes the next step of proposing how this "missed opportunity" might have been fixed.

        The reality is that there is no possible way IPv6 could have been designed that would both solve the IPv4 address exhaustion problem and natively interoperate with IPv4. When you send a packet to an IPv4 host, it needs to know where to send the response, and there simply aren't enough bits in the IPv4 header to fit more than 2^32 possible addresses.

        You need something in the middle to translate between IPv6 and IPv4 addresses, and we already have that: it's called NAT64. It works the same way you would expect NAT to, and just like NAT on IPv4, there's no need to codify it as an explicit part of the IP protocol itself.

  • Bluecobra 19 hours ago

    It does seamlessly work w/ services like Apple's Private Relay. I was surprised to see an IPv6 address when checking my IP address on external websites. Maybe eventually proxies like this might be the solve for this.

exabrial 19 hours ago

The fact that a company like monopolistic, abusive, privacy invading company like Google that desperately desperately wants me to run ipv6, ensures that I will disable it on every device I own and corporate network I run.

  • Workaccount2 19 hours ago

    This is like boycotting 5G cell phones because you don't like Verizon.

  • Arnt 19 hours ago

    They want you to run IPv4 too.

    • nobody9999 18 hours ago

      >They want you to run IPv4 too.


      I'd expect that they don't much care which version of IP you use, as long as they can show you ads -- which is their business model after all.

      • Arnt 16 hours ago

        I… think that at the end of the day, Google wants you to run v6.

        Google competes with Facebook. Facebook wants sites to host Facebook Pages and such, which needs no IP addresses. Google wants lots of websites and other services on an open web, to which it can sell lots of ads, and for which it can run a good search engine that again brings in lots of opportunities. A lack of IP addresses isn't a problem for Facebook, but it is one for people who want to host new web sites and other services. And therefore Google wants to alleviate that problem, with which IPv6 can help.

  • Twirrim 18 hours ago

    They don't desperately want you to run IPv6. They're not doing anything to incentivise it in any way.

    They just deployed it because that's the direction the tech world is moving, and there was increasing IPv6 presence in end user environments.

  • simoncion 18 hours ago

    You've perhaps seen the Onion article whose headline goes something like "Heartbreaking: The Worst Man You Know Just Made An Excellent Point"?

    You're simply kneecapping yourself if you refuse to learn how to acknowledge and incorporate good ideas that happened to be uttered by execrable entities.

  • wongogue 18 hours ago

    Just like following the sleeping schedule and daily routine of a billionaire will also make you a billionaire.

  • franga2000 19 hours ago

    Excellent logic! Hitler drank water and, if you had the chance to ask him, he would have likely suggested you also drink water. Does that mean you won't drink water now?

    • mort96 16 hours ago

      If Hitler was pushing a new kind of water which he argued was superior to the old water you've been drinking all your life, maybe some skepticism would be warranted?

      I'm not saying that "I will disable v6 because Google wants me to enable v6" is a good argument, but your rebuttal is pretty bad as well.