pclmulqdq 19 hours ago

I get that you're trying to make a point, but NAT64 makes this not a real problem. Every practical use of IPv6 can access IPv4 hosts.

commandersaki 19 hours ago

I'm pretty sure we're discussing about connecting to the Internet.

What I understood is being implied is that ipv6 has little utility if it cannot access ipv4, but is not the case the other way around.

  • Arnt 19 hours ago

    How would v6 connect to v4? Specifically, how would the return packets back from v4 to v6 be routed?

    • yjftsjthsd-h 19 hours ago

      Through a NAT64 NAT. Which is extra work, but not that bad.

      • Arnt 19 hours ago

        Well, we have that. What GP refers to is a missed opportunity, so NAT64 can't be what GP has in mind.

    • [removed] 19 hours ago
    • commandersaki 19 hours ago

      Not really my point, was just pointing out there's scant incentive to transition from the incumbent.

ahoef 19 hours ago

One of the many missed opportunities of IPv6.

  • teraflop 19 hours ago

    I keep seeing people say this, but nobody ever takes the next step of proposing how this "missed opportunity" might have been fixed.

    The reality is that there is no possible way IPv6 could have been designed that would both solve the IPv4 address exhaustion problem and natively interoperate with IPv4. When you send a packet to an IPv4 host, it needs to know where to send the response, and there simply aren't enough bits in the IPv4 header to fit more than 2^32 possible addresses.

    You need something in the middle to translate between IPv6 and IPv4 addresses, and we already have that: it's called NAT64. It works the same way you would expect NAT to, and just like NAT on IPv4, there's no need to codify it as an explicit part of the IP protocol itself.

    • Bluecobra 19 hours ago

      I think it was bad timing. We might have been able to migrate to IPv6 wholesale when the Internet was much smaller in the early 90s. One thing that comes to mind is the kumbaya moment when everyone got together to switch from BGP v3 to BGP v4 to support CIDR.

      • throw0101a 18 hours ago

        > We might have been able to migrate to IPv6 wholesale when the Internet was much smaller in the early 90s.

        In the early 1990s IPng/IPv6 was not yet invented, and when it was being considered they realized a flag-day (like (mostly) happened with NCP->IP) was unlikely:

              We believe that it is not possible to have a "flag-day" form of
              transition in which all hosts and routers must change over at
              once. The size, complexity, and distributed administration of the
              Internet make such a cutover impossible.
              Rather, IPng will need to co-exist with IPv4 for some period of
              time.  There are a number of ways to achieve this co-existence
              such as requiring hosts to support two stacks, converting between
              protocols, or using backward compatible extensions to IPv4.  Each
              scheme has its strengths and weaknesses, which have to be weighed.
              Furthermore, we note that, in all probability, there will be IPv4
              hosts on the Internet effectively forever.  IPng must provide
              mechanisms to allow these hosts to communicate, even after IPng
              has become the dominant network layer protocol in the Internet.
        * https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc1726#section-5.5
      • dboreham 18 hours ago

        That was the plan. V6 was killed by NAT and the commercial forces that promoted its use.

        • kstrauser 18 hours ago

          "Killed" is a bit harsh, given that it's half of all Google's traffic. A huge chunk of that is probably from cell phones where IPv6 support is the norm.

      • Borg3 18 hours ago

        Not really.. IPv6 was theoretically ready in 1997. But, it was theoretical. It was still buggy. In 2000s Internet expansion skyrocketed and noone really cared about IPv6. Buggy, too different from IPv4, basically overengineered. They made prediction that was absolutly off.. And thats why adoption is crappy.

        • andrewshadura an hour ago

          IPv6 is not overengineered. It is, in fact, simpler in design than IPv4.