Comment by commandersaki

Comment by commandersaki 19 hours ago

5 replies

I'm pretty sure we're discussing about connecting to the Internet.

What I understood is being implied is that ipv6 has little utility if it cannot access ipv4, but is not the case the other way around.

Arnt 19 hours ago

How would v6 connect to v4? Specifically, how would the return packets back from v4 to v6 be routed?

  • yjftsjthsd-h 19 hours ago

    Through a NAT64 NAT. Which is extra work, but not that bad.

    • Arnt 19 hours ago

      Well, we have that. What GP refers to is a missed opportunity, so NAT64 can't be what GP has in mind.

  • [removed] 19 hours ago
  • commandersaki 19 hours ago

    Not really my point, was just pointing out there's scant incentive to transition from the incumbent.