Comment by exabrial

Comment by exabrial 19 hours ago

10 replies

The fact that a company like monopolistic, abusive, privacy invading company like Google that desperately desperately wants me to run ipv6, ensures that I will disable it on every device I own and corporate network I run.

Workaccount2 19 hours ago

This is like boycotting 5G cell phones because you don't like Verizon.

Arnt 19 hours ago

They want you to run IPv4 too.

  • nobody9999 18 hours ago

    >They want you to run IPv4 too.


    I'd expect that they don't much care which version of IP you use, as long as they can show you ads -- which is their business model after all.

    • Arnt 16 hours ago

      I… think that at the end of the day, Google wants you to run v6.

      Google competes with Facebook. Facebook wants sites to host Facebook Pages and such, which needs no IP addresses. Google wants lots of websites and other services on an open web, to which it can sell lots of ads, and for which it can run a good search engine that again brings in lots of opportunities. A lack of IP addresses isn't a problem for Facebook, but it is one for people who want to host new web sites and other services. And therefore Google wants to alleviate that problem, with which IPv6 can help.

Twirrim 18 hours ago

They don't desperately want you to run IPv6. They're not doing anything to incentivise it in any way.

They just deployed it because that's the direction the tech world is moving, and there was increasing IPv6 presence in end user environments.

simoncion 18 hours ago

You've perhaps seen the Onion article whose headline goes something like "Heartbreaking: The Worst Man You Know Just Made An Excellent Point"?

You're simply kneecapping yourself if you refuse to learn how to acknowledge and incorporate good ideas that happened to be uttered by execrable entities.

wongogue 18 hours ago

Just like following the sleeping schedule and daily routine of a billionaire will also make you a billionaire.

franga2000 19 hours ago

Excellent logic! Hitler drank water and, if you had the chance to ask him, he would have likely suggested you also drink water. Does that mean you won't drink water now?

  • mort96 16 hours ago

    If Hitler was pushing a new kind of water which he argued was superior to the old water you've been drinking all your life, maybe some skepticism would be warranted?

    I'm not saying that "I will disable v6 because Google wants me to enable v6" is a good argument, but your rebuttal is pretty bad as well.