_nalply 37 minutes ago

Human rights are important, for example the right to be heard in conflicts.

Let me explain why I believe that a new form of country will appear: Companies will turn into countries.

Currently large companies like Google, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft and so on, don't "offer" human rights. People however want them to have more responsibility, especially in Europe. This is a changing force already in progress. Perhaps it will turn out that the European Court of Human Rights or a similar institution will do the same thing to Corporate what it already does for many countries.

Of course the ECHR is not working well today, there are many problems, but should we just give up and let Corporate become feudal? At least I propose we should think about what we people need from countries and corporate entities and how to gain these needs.

I guess at some point Europe could enforce corporate entities to give the right to be heard to people, for example.

And that's one step of them turning into countries.

Perhaps you think, a country, that's something with an army. But an army is not really neccessary if there is some other way to control power. Currently, however, the world doesn't seem to have a lot of power as we see with many different wars.

I am a bit pessimistic about the future of humanity, but I still hope that in the long-term we will find a way without raw material power to resolve conflicts, because this is really wasteful and might even lead to our demise.

bigbinary an hour ago

So instead of policy, these citizens would just have common interests? Idk if he’s bullshitting or actually huffing his own glue

justinclift an hour ago

No mention of how they're going to pay any potential military, so this is a complete non-starter.

And if they ever do figure out how to pay a potential military, then I'm sure the current actual owners of the land they're on (ie the country whose territory they're in) will quickly want to have a chat with them and abuse them of that notion.

adampwells 42 minutes ago

wow, sounds like someone is taking the back story of Snow Crash a bit too seriously!

ilrwbwrkhv 41 minutes ago

This whole group of a16z are scared folks who will do anything to keep a seat on the table. One needs to be careful they don't sell state secrets to Saudi. They have no morality or national pride.

renewiltord 36 minutes ago

It's like Hives in Too Like The Lightning. I do admit I like the idea of having a different set of laws in the same geographical space. There are some things that are like that: accredited investor, etc. And it would be good to broaden the amount of things where you can say "I'm an adult; if I lose, I lose" and then refuse it to people who could not possibly reasonably say that.

griffzhowl 3 hours ago

Quite vague on any details about how this would actually be workable, but that might just be the reporter's slant.

Is there some version of this that doesn't sound like a corporate technofascist dystopian anti-fantasy?

The most interesting idea for me was about whether something similar could emerge within already existing states, performing some of their functions but otherwise hybridizing with them. Remote work and starlink and so on open up some geographic possibilities for networked communities.

  • thephyber an hour ago

    “Seasteading”, Prospera, LiberLand. Lots of attempts. Nothing that stands the test of time. Except maybe SeaOrg of L Ron Hubbard infamy.

    • rsynnott a minute ago

      > Except maybe SeaOrg of L Ron Hubbard infamy

      Yeah, that’s probably the closest, but it only works because it parasitises an actual country (the US), and is very circumspect about what it actually _is_. It wouldn’t be tolerated for a _minute_ if it went around openly calling itself a country.