Comment by griffzhowl

Comment by griffzhowl 5 hours ago

2 replies

Quite vague on any details about how this would actually be workable, but that might just be the reporter's slant.

Is there some version of this that doesn't sound like a corporate technofascist dystopian anti-fantasy?

The most interesting idea for me was about whether something similar could emerge within already existing states, performing some of their functions but otherwise hybridizing with them. Remote work and starlink and so on open up some geographic possibilities for networked communities.

thephyber 3 hours ago

“Seasteading”, Prospera, LiberLand. Lots of attempts. Nothing that stands the test of time. Except maybe SeaOrg of L Ron Hubbard infamy.

  • rsynnott 2 hours ago

    > Except maybe SeaOrg of L Ron Hubbard infamy

    Yeah, that’s probably the closest, but it only works because it parasitises an actual country (the US), and is very circumspect about what it actually _is_. It wouldn’t be tolerated for a _minute_ if it went around openly calling itself a country.