edanm 2 days ago

But Israel and Hezbollah are at war, and these are (reportedly) devices used by Hezbollah operatives.

A war Hezbollah declared, btw.

  • nobodyandproud 16 hours ago

    Yes, but these are more akin to bombings and not surgical strikes.

    We’ll know more in the coming days on the impact, but I too feel uncomfortable even as someone who’s mostly supportive of Israel.

    • edanm 15 hours ago

      > Yes, but these are more akin to bombings and not surgical strikes.

      Not sure why you think that? If reports are true, these were relatively small bombings that only impacted people carrying a pager that was specifically handed out to Hezbollah members, and presumably only military members. There was collateral damage, but far less than there would be by even the most surgical of surgical strikes (which usually refers to sending in highly targeted missiles to take out, say, only a single apartment).

      Of course we might learn that that isn't accurate, but that's the story as I currently understand it.

  • RandomThoughts3 2 days ago

    And I guess like in Gaza, civilians are de facto complicit. Plus they are Arabs and not Jewish so can we really apply human rights to them? Are they even actually humans? I guess it’s not genocide when it’s done to animals. /s

    • [removed] a day ago
    • edanm 15 hours ago

      Of course civilians aren't complicit, neither in Lebanon nor in Gaza. (Nor in Israel, for that matter, though few people seem to complain when Hezbollah targets civilians explicitly every single day.)

      I never said otherwise, not sure why you think I did?

    • freedude 18 hours ago

      1. We are guilty by association. 2. When a guy makes a choice to join up with a terrorist organization he will bring that guilt home with him. It will affect those around him.

      We may be free to choose but we are not free to choose the consequences of our actions. Even when they affect the innocent we associate with. If this is a new thought to you read a few more books.

      Here are some suggestions... The Holy Bible Hillbilly Elegy The Narnia Series The Hobbit The Lord of the Rings

      • raxxorraxor 17 hours ago

        We are not guilty by association. Becoming a militant does make you are valid target though and terror organizations are mostly militant.

  • pvaldes 2 days ago


    • edanm 2 days ago

      The reports say that these devices were specifically part of shipments that went specifically to Hezbollah.

      Which makes sense - I don't think the US Army is using the same walkies that a random hospital in the US uses, for example.

      • anigbrowl 2 days ago

        It's far too early for anyone to know that with certainty. And (for what feels like the nth time), Hezbollah is not just a bunch of guys with weapons, it's the civil administration in large parts of the country.

        Also if the situation were reversed and Hezbollah carried out an attack like this on the IDF, I really doubt the Israelis would just suck it up and say 'oh well occupational hazard of military life, guess we'll retaliate somehow.'

      • pdabbadabba 2 days ago

        Unfortunately, I don't know that we can know that there is such a clear distinction. Hezbollah also provides many other governmental services, so I don't think we can totally rule out the possibility that, e.g., ambulances could be driven by Hezbollah members who use these radios.

      • pvaldes 2 days ago

        Fortunately reports never would lie

    • stogot a day ago

      Every? Source? Did they all explode?

    • ActionHank 2 days ago

      Amazing that people can't even read these days. Literally in the article, this wasn't all walkies.

raxxorraxor a day ago

Hezbollah doesn't speak for all of Lebanon but it certainly is at war with Israel. Permanently for that matter because it exists to attack Israel.

anigbrowl 2 days ago

The Israeli defense minister, Yoav Gallant, describes it as such. I imagine if pressed he'd argue that Israel is attacking Hezbollah and not Lebanon, but given the extreme civil dysfunction in Lebanon it's equally arguable that Hezbollah is the de facto government for a lot of the country.


  • IG_Semmelweiss a day ago

    Its not, but Hezbollah is in control of the hot border in the south.

    Its a govt within a govt.

lelanthran 2 days ago

> Israel and Lebanon are not at war.

Maybe not, but the combatants holding those devices were at war, no?

  • shprd 2 days ago

    > but the combatants holding those devices were at war, no?

    The attack wasn't as targeted as you seem to think. It also hit health workers and bystanders. Approx half the casualties are civilians (including children).

    According to Humans rights watch: https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/09/18/lebanon-exploding-pagers...

    > Thousands of pagers simultaneously exploded across Lebanon and parts of Syria on September 17, 2024, resulting in at least 12 deaths, including at least two children and two health workers, and at least 2,800 injuries, according to Lebanon’s Ministry of Health.

    • lelanthran 2 days ago

      > Approx half the casualties are civilians

      Citation needed for that. None of the news reports, even the heavily biased ones, have reported mass civilian casualties.

      • shprd a day ago

        The citation, as requested:

          "two children and four health workers in a hospital in southern Beirut were among the 12 people who were killed on Tuesday."
          - Public Health Minister Firas Abiad in a press conference
        So that's 50% of those killed, right? and that's just health workers and children (who were 8 and 11 years old, btw). Also, there were multiple footage of the devices exploding among civilians in dense markets and grocery stores, so the percentage of civilians injured might be even higher.

        I expect more detailed reports will be shared over the next few days about the total casualty.

      • bordercases 2 days ago

        How many children do you expect to be combatants?

    • [removed] a day ago
alephnerd 2 days ago

> Israel and Lebanon are not at war

Hezbollah is not Lebanon.

Lebanon is not Hezbollah.

That said, Hezbollah and Israel have been in active bloody combat against each other since 1985.

  • charbroiled a day ago

    Well, there’s been a (tense) ceasefire for nearly the last 20 years, that was eventually broken on October 8 by Hezbollah:


    • alephnerd a day ago

      > there’s been a (tense) ceasefire for nearly the last 20 years

      True, but much of that was spent by Hezbollah fighting in the Syrian Civil War on behalf of Assad (their historical benefactor in Israel).

      Now that the civil war is de facto over with Assad in control of most of the country except rump Turkish and de facto Israeli (Jabal al Deize) exclusion zones, Hezbollah returned to antagonizing Israel.

      The Israel-Hezbollah conflict was bound to happen even if 10/7 didn't happen.