Comment by RandomThoughts3

Comment by RandomThoughts3 2 days ago

4 replies

And I guess like in Gaza, civilians are de facto complicit. Plus they are Arabs and not Jewish so can we really apply human rights to them? Are they even actually humans? I guess it’s not genocide when it’s done to animals. /s

edanm 17 hours ago

Of course civilians aren't complicit, neither in Lebanon nor in Gaza. (Nor in Israel, for that matter, though few people seem to complain when Hezbollah targets civilians explicitly every single day.)

I never said otherwise, not sure why you think I did?

freedude 21 hours ago

1. We are guilty by association. 2. When a guy makes a choice to join up with a terrorist organization he will bring that guilt home with him. It will affect those around him.

We may be free to choose but we are not free to choose the consequences of our actions. Even when they affect the innocent we associate with. If this is a new thought to you read a few more books.

Here are some suggestions... The Holy Bible Hillbilly Elegy The Narnia Series The Hobbit The Lord of the Rings

  • raxxorraxor 20 hours ago

    We are not guilty by association. Becoming a militant does make you are valid target though and terror organizations are mostly militant.