Comment by pdabbadabba

Comment by pdabbadabba 2 days ago

3 replies

Unfortunately, I don't know that we can know that there is such a clear distinction. Hezbollah also provides many other governmental services, so I don't think we can totally rule out the possibility that, e.g., ambulances could be driven by Hezbollah members who use these radios.

tshaddox 2 days ago

The U.S. military also provides humanitarian aid in the U.S.

  • dralley a day ago

    Hezbollah is not the Lebanese military. They are a paramilitary gang, comparable to the cartels in Mexico, that gained too much strength for the actual Lebanese military to deal with. Mostly because Iran trained fighters and sent weapons.

    Actually a better example than the cartels might be the CIA sponsored paramilitaries in South America. Except Hezbollah is sponsored by Iran obviously.

  • pdabbadabba 2 days ago

    Yes. But my sense is that the line between Hezbollah's activities and normal government functions is much blurrier in Lebanon.