Comment by FigurativeVoid
Comment by FigurativeVoid 10 days ago
A few thoughts:
1. I have never really understood people that throw others under the bus. It seems like the wrong strategy to get people to like you.
2. Most people understand that these sorts of things aren't "the right way" to measure a peer. Fundamentally, I most remember how a person made me felt, not what they produced.
3. At a prior job, our weekly planning sessions were rated on a scale of 1-10 on how effective we thought the meeting was. After we found out that our manager was being evaluated on this score, we all started giving 10s no matter what.
I have thrown people under the bus while under pressure from my manager to explain why reviewing a Pull Request takes me several hours or days while other members did it in a few minutes. It was the wrong thing to do but the pressure was unbearable.