Comment by luckylion

Comment by luckylion 3 days ago

19 replies

> Both sides (Israeli state, and Hezbollah) want to destroy each other.

Have Hezbollah lay down their arms and convert their organization to peaceful gardeners and Israel has no interest in destroying them.

Have Israel lay down their arms and focus on peaceful gardening and few Israeli Jews will survive.

Such Symmetry. Enlightened Reddit really is something else.

someotherperson 3 days ago

> Have Israel lay down their arms and focus on peaceful gardening and few Israeli Jews will survive.

That's because the entire notion of Israel as a concept is predicated on it being under constant existential threats.

If Hezbollah goes away, then nothing changes in Lebanon: Lebanese identity isn't based on armed resistance. Israeli identity, however, has nothing else going for it besides armed conflict.

If conflicts were to go away, so would Israel. Israeli Jews would just be absorbed into whatever local culture they're in, just as they were prior to the formation of Israel (and just like they are outside of Israel). The remaining ones would be the ones engaging in armed conflict -- just as the original groups like Irgun and Lehi were.

  • edanm 3 days ago

    What are you even talking about? Israel is a country with a population of 9 million people. Do you think if the conflicts stop, this population would just disappear or something?

    Whatever the "Jewish identity" was in 1948, Israel now has more than 70 years of existence, giving it an independent identity from just "Judaism".

    • someotherperson 2 days ago

      Sure, what is that identity? Is there uniquely Israeli cuisine, dances, anything? What is the Israeli identity outside of an existential threat on Jews?

      • edanm 2 days ago

        What are you even talking about? Do you think a country of 9 million that's existed for 70 years doesn't have any unique identity?

        There's Israeli writing, Israeli music, Israeli theatre, Israeli dance... some of these are internationally famous. There's Israeli cuisine, a lot of which is based on other cuisines imported from countries that Jews fled from or were kicked out of.

        And of course, there's all flavor of Israeli technology and other innovations, from agriculture to food to, of course, software and high tech.

        What do you think Israelis are doing on a daily basis, sitting around worrying about existential threats on their life?

  • yoavm 3 days ago


    • someotherperson 3 days ago

      An ethno-nationalist state becoming more secular and less extremist? I'm intrigued. Do you believe that the settlements would stop and that Palestinians would be given Israeli citizenship? Would the Palestinians forced out of Israel be allowed to return in this case?

      Or is this secular, less extremist, conflict-free Israel predicated on Israel continuing to be majority Jewish and with a Jewish government?

      Edit for your edit: no, nothing to do with Jews. South + North Korea, Taiwan, Ukraine, Singapore, the baltic countries (Estonia etc). Various Arab countries too. In Israel's case the population are made of diaspora which multiplies the effect.