someotherperson 3 days ago

An ethno-nationalist state becoming more secular and less extremist? I'm intrigued. Do you believe that the settlements would stop and that Palestinians would be given Israeli citizenship? Would the Palestinians forced out of Israel be allowed to return in this case?

Or is this secular, less extremist, conflict-free Israel predicated on Israel continuing to be majority Jewish and with a Jewish government?

Edit for your edit: no, nothing to do with Jews. South + North Korea, Taiwan, Ukraine, Singapore, the baltic countries (Estonia etc). Various Arab countries too. In Israel's case the population are made of diaspora which multiplies the effect.

  • yoavm 3 days ago


    • someotherperson 3 days ago

      So in this hypothetical scenario where everything is flowers and sunshine, the secular, peaceful Israel is still an ethnostate with a two-state outcome that keeps its ethnic cleansing-attained Jewish majority.

      It’s wild to me that this is what you consider the best case scenario in a situation where Israel is experiencing complete peace. And then ending it with an unintentional “nur für Deutsche” reference. The Sweden reference is especially apt, given that’s what the Swedish Antisemitic Union also used as a slogan[0]

      > but most of the places Palestinians left during the war they started on Israel 1947

      You really can’t help yourself huh.


      • yoavm 3 days ago

        I never said "only for" - you're putting words in my mouth. I said that the idea that Israel will still have a Jewish majority isn't crazy, and can be seen in pretty much any other country in the world, yet it's "wild" to you only when it's happening in Israel.

        Unfortunately recent history showed that it's quite an essential need for protecting Jews from genocide. If you have a better idea for how we can be sure that our government will not try to kill us because we're Jewish, I'm sure many Jews would love to hear it.