Comment by hn1986

Comment by hn1986 2 months ago

15 replies

Unfortunately, a car like Tesla collects so much data. And it's only a matter of time before they start selling it. I don't know if any other car company that collects more data than Tesla.

Schiendelman 2 months ago

Tesla also states unequivocally that they do not sell user data:

  • diggan 2 months ago

    Tesla state they don't sell "personal information" but they also explicitly say that "Tesla may also collect, use, and share information that does not, on its own, personally identify you" (so "anonymized" data) and also that "personal information" is subject to be processed to "fulfill contractual obligations with third parties, agents and affiliates", whatever that means.

  • autoexec 2 months ago

    Employees are also sharing videos and photos of people in/around their cars with each other and I'm sure they end up in the hands of friends/family members as well.

    • recursivecaveat 2 months ago

      > Tesla states in its online “Customer Privacy Notice” that its “camera recordings remain anonymous and are not linked to you or your vehicle.” But seven former employees told Reuters the computer program they used at work could show the location of recordings – which potentially could reveal where a Tesla owner lived.

      You know they're not taking anything seriously when claiming with a straight face in the age of geoguesser that potentially hours of road footage, starting/ending with you literally driving into your garage, could ever be anonymous.

  • finnthehuman 2 months ago

    Any unfaltering language a company uses is always one bizdev meeting away from "lol just update the contract of adhesion."

  • ripply 2 months ago

    Tesla states a lot of things, like that their second generation 2020 roadster is going to be ready next year (tm). I wouldn't put a lot of faith in anything they say, all it takes is Musk changing his mind down the line and then anything goes.

whamlastxmas 2 months ago

I think I’d pick Tesla, even if it’s more data, because they have never sold that data or indicated they ever would. Unlike literally every other manufacturer that has and does

  • floatrock 2 months ago

    lol has any OEM ever indicated they would sell data? Or was the truth pulled out of them after an extended legal fight where lawyers quibbled over whether weasel-words like "maintenance and quality assurance purposes" covered "selling technically anonymous information to a data broker but everyone knows there's enough metadata in there that the data broker attaches an identity when they resell it to the insurance companies"?

    Gut check, sure, but I wouldn't trust the company that argued technically autopilot wasn't turned on in car crashes because they turned it off milliseconds before the sensed impact and blamed it on driver inattention as being a good, well-intentioned data steward.

  • mikestew 2 months ago

    I bought a Hyundai Ioniq 5. Hyundai never indicated that they’d sell the data, either. But guess what?

    Here’s one thing neither Tesla nor Hyundai have ever said: that they won’t sell the data. (EDIT: I stand corrected on Tesla, as per reply comment. “ We do not sell your personal information to anyone for any purpose, period.”)

    • Schiendelman 2 months ago

      Tesla has said that, right on their privacy page.

      • LocalH 2 months ago

        The cynic in me says that "do not" does not equal "will not", and even if it said "will not", that's toothless, as Google was for years famous for having "do no evil" baked into their manifesto, until one day they didn't.

  • hulitu 2 months ago

    > because they have never sold that data or indicated they ever would.

    They all do this until you press "I agree". Some do it even before.

  • MetaWhirledPeas 2 months ago

    I agree if only because Tesla seems so vertically integrated and dedicated to their vision. Nowhere in their vision is "establish a side hustle of selling user data for extra cash".

  • ActionHank 2 months ago

    "I'd pick Tesla because they're pretty cool guy and don't afraid of anything."