Comment by mikestew

Comment by mikestew 2 months ago

2 replies

I bought a Hyundai Ioniq 5. Hyundai never indicated that they’d sell the data, either. But guess what?

Here’s one thing neither Tesla nor Hyundai have ever said: that they won’t sell the data. (EDIT: I stand corrected on Tesla, as per reply comment. “ We do not sell your personal information to anyone for any purpose, period.”)

Schiendelman 2 months ago

Tesla has said that, right on their privacy page.

  • LocalH 2 months ago

    The cynic in me says that "do not" does not equal "will not", and even if it said "will not", that's toothless, as Google was for years famous for having "do no evil" baked into their manifesto, until one day they didn't.