Comment by strunz

Comment by strunz a day ago

12 replies

I really like his Codelia font; but I just can't justify spending that much on a font when there's so many free alternatives. Wish the was a cheaper non-commercial license.

groby_b a day ago

$15.50 for something you use every moment of your working life?

It's not that much.

It's fine to use free versions instead, but maybe let's stop asking for freebies from folks who make their living that way, especially from Indy folks. (Badger your average megacorp for free stuff for all you want, they'll find ways to extract money somehow)

  • Eezee a day ago

    You need at the very least 4 of those $15.50 fonts to cover italic and bold.

    If I could get the entire font family for $30 or so I would consider it despite all the free alternatives, but $150 is just way too much if you are making a non-US salary.

    • brantonb a day ago

      There is a “Comic Code Coding Essentials“ bundle for $30, licensed for up to 5 users. Unfortunately, it’s at the very bottom of the page so it’s easy to miss.

    • groby_b 15 hours ago

      I suppose I'm the last person alive to just use plain text. So, yes, sorry for that omission.

      The full collection is $100. At average European salaries, that's (at worst) half a day of work. Not unnoticeable, but if you care about your tools, not an amount that's entirely unreasonable. The coding family is, as you say, $30 - 90 minutes of work.

      Beyond US, Europe, and other affluent countries, yes, it gets somewhat unaffordable. I don't have a good answer here. But I don't think asking indy folks to fix global inequality is the right answer, either. They need to live too.

      Some choose to release their fonts for free (Monaspace, Comic Mono, Inconsolata...), but that's a choice they made for themselves. They ultimately decided it was affordable for them to do that. And that's great!

      But I really have a problem with complaining about people who are trying to make a living, demanding they give away their work. One because it's somewhat entitled ("I deserve to get your work for free"), and two because it's a large part of what discourages indy work. Something our industry sorely needs.

  • bmitc a day ago

    That's actually insanely cheap for a font as well.

  • e40 a day ago

    $30 is the bundle that seems minimally useful. Does it work on all OSes?

    • happymellon a day ago

      > Font formats

      > .OTF, .TTF, .WOFF, .WOFF2

      Hopefully your OS of choice supports one of those.

      • unplug8224 a day ago

        Font creators once again treating TempleOS users like they don't exist? Color me shocked.

        Jokes aside, this is the only font I've ever paid for, and I use it for all my text editing across Linux/MacOS/Windows with no issues.

  • fsckboy a day ago

    >$15.50 for something you use every moment of your working life?

    $16 to upgrade my life? well worth it. $16 to own something that I'd need to carry around for the rest of my life in a file, or track a download code for, and configure into every new system I boot up, and... nah, that's buying a responsibility

    creatives out there: you are using and benefitting from the free open source internet where other creatives gave away their work product free. Stop trying to monetize your tiny contributions.

    • ghssds a day ago

      True. The only ethical way to obtain money is by working for a corporation. Corporations are the only entities that legitimately can sell anything.

      • monban a day ago

        As the common saying goes, no ethical consumption without capitalism!

    • creata a day ago

      > Stop trying to monetize your tiny contributions.

      If you think they're not worth it then just click away.

      And syncing a file isn't exactly hard in 2024.