Comment by fsckboy

Comment by fsckboy a day ago

3 replies

>$15.50 for something you use every moment of your working life?

$16 to upgrade my life? well worth it. $16 to own something that I'd need to carry around for the rest of my life in a file, or track a download code for, and configure into every new system I boot up, and... nah, that's buying a responsibility

creatives out there: you are using and benefitting from the free open source internet where other creatives gave away their work product free. Stop trying to monetize your tiny contributions.

ghssds a day ago

True. The only ethical way to obtain money is by working for a corporation. Corporations are the only entities that legitimately can sell anything.

  • monban a day ago

    As the common saying goes, no ethical consumption without capitalism!

creata a day ago

> Stop trying to monetize your tiny contributions.

If you think they're not worth it then just click away.

And syncing a file isn't exactly hard in 2024.