Comment by groby_b

Comment by groby_b 17 hours ago

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I suppose I'm the last person alive to just use plain text. So, yes, sorry for that omission.

The full collection is $100. At average European salaries, that's (at worst) half a day of work. Not unnoticeable, but if you care about your tools, not an amount that's entirely unreasonable. The coding family is, as you say, $30 - 90 minutes of work.

Beyond US, Europe, and other affluent countries, yes, it gets somewhat unaffordable. I don't have a good answer here. But I don't think asking indy folks to fix global inequality is the right answer, either. They need to live too.

Some choose to release their fonts for free (Monaspace, Comic Mono, Inconsolata...), but that's a choice they made for themselves. They ultimately decided it was affordable for them to do that. And that's great!

But I really have a problem with complaining about people who are trying to make a living, demanding they give away their work. One because it's somewhat entitled ("I deserve to get your work for free"), and two because it's a large part of what discourages indy work. Something our industry sorely needs.