yoavm 3 days ago


  • mandmandam 3 days ago

    No, saying "whoops" does not excuse war crimes.

    • yoavm 3 days ago

      I never said it excuses it, I just said that when you explicitly target someone you don't usually apologize for it afterward.

      • mandmandam 3 days ago

        Israel don't usually apologize either.

        They didn't apologize in the Hind Rajab case, they denied they were ever there.

        They didn't apologize for the babies at Al-Nasr, they claimed they had to move on suddenly.

        They didn't apologize for the vast majority of journalists murdered, just claimed they were Hamas.

        Etc, tens of thousands of times.

        What might be revealing for you is to look at the cases where they did apologize:

        They apologized for shooting three of their own hostages dead in cold blood as they called out in Hebrew waving a white flag: turns out there was audio of that about to leak. No consequences for anyone involved though.

        They apologized for the World Food Kitchen workers killed, after initial denials. There was undeniable evidence of that one too. Zero consequences.

        They apologized for sniping Aysenur Ezgi - after it turned out she was an American citizen. They still claimed it was an accident, during stones being thrown (a lie). They still haven't reached out to a single witness during their 'investigation'. Zero consequences.

        ... Can you see the pattern here?