Comment by mandmandam

Comment by mandmandam 3 days ago

3 replies

Israel don't usually apologize either.

They didn't apologize in the Hind Rajab case, they denied they were ever there.

They didn't apologize for the babies at Al-Nasr, they claimed they had to move on suddenly.

They didn't apologize for the vast majority of journalists murdered, just claimed they were Hamas.

Etc, tens of thousands of times.

What might be revealing for you is to look at the cases where they did apologize:

They apologized for shooting three of their own hostages dead in cold blood as they called out in Hebrew waving a white flag: turns out there was audio of that about to leak. No consequences for anyone involved though.

They apologized for the World Food Kitchen workers killed, after initial denials. There was undeniable evidence of that one too. Zero consequences.

They apologized for sniping Aysenur Ezgi - after it turned out she was an American citizen. They still claimed it was an accident, during stones being thrown (a lie). They still haven't reached out to a single witness during their 'investigation'. Zero consequences.

... Can you see the pattern here?

yoavm 3 days ago

First, you're changing the subject. I never said Israel didn't commit any crimes - of course it did. I just said that Israel doesn't explicitly target aid workers. In the case of the Kitchen Aid workers that you linked to, not only Israel apologized, the chief of the army fired two very high commanders and punished a few others. Not sure why you're saying there was "zero consequences".

I'm also not sure why you mention the killing of 3 Israeli hostages, "in cold blood". Do you mean that Israel explicitly targeted them too? The fact that in this situation, unlike with the aid workers, no one was fired, only speaks to say that there's an understanding that mistakes happen even when these mistakes are killing Israelis.

With regards to hurting Palestinians, the list of Israeli soldiers that were trialed and punished for hurting Palestinians is too long to list here. The list of Palestinian freedom fighters that were trialed (forget about punished) for hurting Israelis is... well, [].

  • mandmandam 3 days ago

    > I just said that Israel doesn't explicitly target aid workers

    But they do. Aid workers have been killed in "unprecedented" "record numbers". Same with journalists, and children, and...

    > With regards to hurting Palestinians, the list of Israeli soldiers that were trialed and punished for hurting Palestinians is too long to list here

    Israelis rioted for the right of prison guards to anally gang rape abductees held without trial to the point of hospitalization. They gave one of the rapists (the one caught on CCTV) national attention and praise.

    You're trying to defend the indefensible, after 11 months of daily atrocity. Not a good choice.

    • yoavm 3 days ago

      I'm sorry but you keep making logical leaps.

      > But they do. Aid workers have been killed in "unprecedented" "record numbers". Same with journalists, and children, and...

      This does not mean they are targeted. It could mean that Israel isn't careful enough, it could mean they are operating in a more dangerous situation than usually, it could mean that a higher percentage of them is also involved in non-aid related activities. Just assuming that because they were killed it means they were targeted is ridiculous. I'll give you an example: On October 7th Hamas killed a record number of Thai people in any other conflict in the middle east. Does Hamas explicitly target Thai people?

      > Israelis rioted for the right of prison guards to anally gang rape abductees held without trial to the point of hospitalization. They gave one of the rapists (the one caught on CCTV) national attention and praise.

      Yeah, a few hundreds of Israelis rioted for them. You know how much that is out of a population of almost 10M? And if you don't mind, the point wasn't really about "general opinion", but about the fact that systemically in Israel, soldiers hurting Palestinians were and are prosecuted, while something even remotely similar to that has never happened (I'll wait for your link) at the other side. You bringing up a case where the soldiers were detained and facing criminal charges, against some of the Israeli population opinion, proves my point exactly.