daedrdev 3 days ago

The ugly question is how much collateral is fine. Hezbollah confirmed the deaths of 3 people, two of its fighters and this girl. Of course, this will surely escalate the war between Israel and Hezbollah so its surely negative even if the collateral ends up being very low because Hezbollah received most of the pagers.

s5300 3 days ago

>> They set these off in public spaces and private residences. There are already reports that Israel murdered a 10 year old girl with this attack. Absolutely horrible.

People tend to do whatever they want when they’re raised since birth to believe everybody that is not one of their in-group is a quite literal subhuman not chosen by god

sergiotapia 3 days ago


  • hyggetrold 3 days ago

    HN tries to really avoid this kind of discussion since it never goes anywhere productive. Folks who have really strong views on Israel/Gaza are not going to change their perspective because of a comment thread on Hacker News.

    • aguaviva 3 days ago

      In this case, they were posting information what was apparently perfectly accurate (except as to the exact age of the girl who was killed in the attack) - per CNN:

         At least nine people, including an 8-year-old girl, have been killed by Tuesday’s pager explosions, Lebanon’s health minister Firass Abiad said in an interview with Al Jazeera. 
      And indeed it was quite helpful that they did so, as this particular detail hasn't yet made it into the coverage of the event in major outlets such as the NYT, for some reason.
    • _blk 3 days ago

      I have a strong view. But I won't let that keep me from enjoying a good technical discussion. Like stuxnet, this will strongly influence opsec in the coming decade.

      • hyggetrold 3 days ago

        From my understanding of the HN guidelines, a technical discussion around the technology in this story is not an issue. Where things break down is when people starting talking about Israel vs Palestine, who is at fault, who should be punished, who is the true aggressor, etc.

    • hiddencost 3 days ago


      • hyggetrold 3 days ago

        I'm ready to believe you but the impression I have from your comment is that it would take quite a bit to convince you to take a step back from your personal beliefs and re-evaluate.

        It doesn't even matter what you believe, based on what you wrote, my impression is that you are here to convince others that your viewpoint is correct, not necessarily to gain a new one.

      • pbiggar 3 days ago

        I imagine the flagging is to stop the conversation about the geneocide, especially since almost every conversation about Gaza gets flagged.

  • [removed] 3 days ago
  • krunck 3 days ago

    Because HN is about intellectual titillation, not about activism and geopolitics.

    • hermannj314 3 days ago

      I am curious how would you conceal an explosive in an electronic device (like a pager) to make sure that it minimizes collateral damage when it goes off. That is a political question since you ultimately are making a human life vs military objective trade-off.

      The international law standard seems to be proportionality to the military objective desired, so maybe no one (generally) cares how many civilians die if you know the targets will be high ranking.

    • bluefishinit 3 days ago

      The original post is from the Times Of Israel. It's literally propaganda, we can at least discuss the content no?