Comment by hyggetrold

Comment by hyggetrold 3 days ago

4 replies

I'm ready to believe you but the impression I have from your comment is that it would take quite a bit to convince you to take a step back from your personal beliefs and re-evaluate.

It doesn't even matter what you believe, based on what you wrote, my impression is that you are here to convince others that your viewpoint is correct, not necessarily to gain a new one.

hiddencost 3 days ago

The facts are pretty overwhelming.

This is important to me. How do we deal with more than 10% of the population of Gaza being killed?

  • hyggetrold 3 days ago

    For what it's worth, I have family members who are Palestinian, so I am deeply sympathetic to the plight of the innocent people dying in Gaza and the West Bank. I am not of Palestinian ethnic background myself (complex family history).

    I believe the Israeli government and members of the IDF have done terrible things that they should be held accountable for. But I can't condemn the average citizen of Israel since I have no idea if they are for or against the war. I have enough Jewish friends and Israeli colleagues to know that there is a spectrum of opinion.

    I also believe that organizations such as Hamas should be held accountable for the way the spend the lives of Palestinians in service of their greater cause. Some of the political leaders for the Palestinian cause use strong rhetoric while living comfortably far away from where the bombs are falling. And just like with Israelis, I have no idea what the average Palestinian believes about Israel, Hamas, or Hezbollah. I imagine there is a spectrum of opinion there as well.

    I guess what I am trying to say is that it is possible for multiple truths to be operative at once.

    • dunekid 2 days ago

      >I also believe that organizations such as Hamas should be held accountable for the way the spend the lives of Palestinians

      And the ITF for bombing, torturing, murdering and mass-burying them?

      >Some of the political leaders for the Palestinian cause use strong rhetoric while living comfortably far away from where the bombs are falling

      Keep the Hasbara points updated please, in Lebanon and and in Iran, Hamas's most prominent are killed. Their families in Gaza too.

      >But I can't condemn the average citizen of Israel since I have no idea if they are for or against the war.

      You could read the surveys, the number of people still actively working for ITF. Their online bragging of cold blooded murder and destruction of Gaza. And it is the only democracy around that part, so the Government must be controlled by the average voters?