Comment by lompad

Comment by lompad 2 days ago

7 replies

>First, its not just about LLMs. Its not an LLM that replaced human drivers in Waymo cars.

As far as I know, Waymo is still not even remotely able to operate in any kind of difficult environment, even though insane amounts of money have been poured into it. You are vastly overstating its capabilities.

Is it cool tech? Sure. Is it safely going to replace all drivers? Doubt, very much so.

Secondly, this only works if progress in AI does not stagnate. And, again, you have no grounds to actually make that claim. It's all built on the fanciful imagination that we're close to AGI. I disagree heavily and think, it's much further away than people profiting financially from the hype tend to claim.

technocrat8080 2 days ago

Vastly overstating its capabilities? SF is ~crawling~ with them 24/7 and I've yet to meet someone who's had a bad experience in one of them. They operate more than well enough to replace rideshare drivers, and they have been.

  • dash2 2 days ago

    But SF is a single US city built on a grid. Try London or Manila.

    • namaria 2 days ago

      That's usually how it goes with 'AI'. It is very impressive on the golden path, but the world is 80% edge cases.

    • rafaelmn 2 days ago

      With nicest weather on the planet probably

  • Y-bar 2 days ago

    SF has pretty much the best weather there is to drive in. Try putting them on Minnesota winter roads, or muddy roads in Kansas for example.

    • fragmede 2 days ago

      How stupid of Google. Instead of getting their self driving car technology to work in a blizzard first, and then working on getting it working in a city, they choose to get it working in a city first, before getting it to work in inclement weather. What idiots!

      • Y-bar 2 days ago

        I hope you are sarcastic! Because it is quite expected that they would test where it is easy first. The stupid ones are those who parrot the incorrect assumption that self-driving cars are comparable to humans at general driving where statistics on general driving includes lots of driving in suboptimal condition.