Comment by technocrat8080

Comment by technocrat8080 2 days ago

6 replies

Vastly overstating its capabilities? SF is ~crawling~ with them 24/7 and I've yet to meet someone who's had a bad experience in one of them. They operate more than well enough to replace rideshare drivers, and they have been.

dash2 2 days ago

But SF is a single US city built on a grid. Try London or Manila.

  • namaria 2 days ago

    That's usually how it goes with 'AI'. It is very impressive on the golden path, but the world is 80% edge cases.

Y-bar 2 days ago

SF has pretty much the best weather there is to drive in. Try putting them on Minnesota winter roads, or muddy roads in Kansas for example.

  • fragmede 2 days ago

    How stupid of Google. Instead of getting their self driving car technology to work in a blizzard first, and then working on getting it working in a city, they choose to get it working in a city first, before getting it to work in inclement weather. What idiots!

    • Y-bar 2 days ago

      I hope you are sarcastic! Because it is quite expected that they would test where it is easy first. The stupid ones are those who parrot the incorrect assumption that self-driving cars are comparable to humans at general driving where statistics on general driving includes lots of driving in suboptimal condition.