Comment by titanomachy
Comment by titanomachy 2 months ago
> Willpower is not a muscle, it's a well that fill doing what you enjoy, and clear when used.
I won't negate your experience, since this is such a personal thing, and it's not like we have a rigorous scientific understanding of these things. But to me, willpower does feel like a trainable thing. Doing hard things seems to make me better at doing other hard things. Limiting my TV makes me less likely to compulsively eat later. Working out hard makes me less likely to lie in bed scrolling on my phone. Doing hard coursework makes me more focused at work.
The caveat is that these changes seem to happen pretty gradually, and the gains can be lost pretty easily, just like with muscle.
But being in a perpetual caloric deficit can be pretty rough and can definitely sap your energy. Glad you found your way to a healthier weight.
It's different per thing. Yes, working out gives me energy (even though I hate it and am bored out of my mind doing it), but going hungry or resisting food isn't the same kind of thing. If I had a bad day at work, I'll usually go "fuck it" and eat a pizza. If I've gone hungry all day because I'm eating what I should, I'll be cranky and not as much fun.
I can definitely relate with the GP, even though your comment is relatable too. They're just different mechanisms, or they apply differently to different people.