63 2 months ago

The power in question is the president's power over the executive branch of government, e.g. the department of Justice. If the president orders it, the department of Justice could choose to feign ignorance and simply not fine any offending parties under this law. Obviously this is an immense power that should be wielded with the utmost care but at this point I'm not sure anyone cares.

warner25 2 months ago

I think the idea is that Trump wields enormous (unprecedented?) control over the members of his party, and thus effectively controls both houses of Congress for at least the next two years. I assume he'll quickly get whatever legislation he wants sent to his desk for signature. I'm wondering how long it takes before the Senate invokes the "nuclear option" on what still requires a filibuster-proof majority to pass.

  • seanmcdirmid 2 months ago

    He has a one seat majority in the House. That means he needs actual complete buy in from every single Republican house member to pass something if the Democrats completely oppose it.

    He had more than that during his last term, so this term should be harder to get things done then last time.

    • warner25 2 months ago

      Good point - I didn't realize that the new majorities are more narrow than they were in 2017 - but my observation is that he has more control now over these more narrow majorities. In 2017, there were still a lot of "Never Trump" or at least "old establishment" Republicans, and the party had its own brand and ideology that was distinct from Trump. That no longer seems to be the case. And the degree to which he can deploy an angry mob against any Republican that stands up to him, threatening primary challenges or worse, seems totally unprecedented to me.

      I say this as a registered Republican since the Bush era who has never voted for Trump. I don't feel like anyone in the party represents me anymore.

      • seanmcdirmid 2 months ago

        There only needs to be one Republican in the house who doesn't like the bill, and we already know that Trump doesn't do even a little bit of bipartisanship (nor I doubt he will start in this next term).

        He only has a couple of years to pass bills also, it is unlikely that the Republicans retain control of the house after the next midterm (unless Trump is popular).

dpkirchner 2 months ago

Biden will probably not enforce the ban (no fines) and Trump will likely continue that non-enforcement, essentially nullifying the will of Congress and judgement of the court.

  • kshacker 2 months ago

    I think Biden talk is a nothing burger. You need time to enforce things. Ban goes into effect on the 19th. Do they send out violation notice on 19th (Sunday), 20th (Monday and holiday and transition day) or 21st (first working day) when Biden administration does not exist.

    • dgfitz 2 months ago

      I don’t understand, why wouldn’t they send it out on the 19th? Because it’s Sunday? Laws aren’t weekday-only last I checked.

      • kshacker 2 months ago

        Yes. Not all offices are open on weekends. Of course armed forces are of course police are working but should all agencies be open every day? And are they? Check your neighborhood. Post office may be open on Saturday but not Sunday and definitely not on MlK day. Check the city hall. Check the bill payment in-person windows. Check the social security agency.

        Some problems such as LA fires require immediate response, some problems require an escalation mechanism and many others can be dealt during regular business hours.