Comment by kshacker

Comment by kshacker 2 months ago

10 replies

I think Biden talk is a nothing burger. You need time to enforce things. Ban goes into effect on the 19th. Do they send out violation notice on 19th (Sunday), 20th (Monday and holiday and transition day) or 21st (first working day) when Biden administration does not exist.

dgfitz 2 months ago

I don’t understand, why wouldn’t they send it out on the 19th? Because it’s Sunday? Laws aren’t weekday-only last I checked.

  • kshacker 2 months ago

    Yes. Not all offices are open on weekends. Of course armed forces are of course police are working but should all agencies be open every day? And are they? Check your neighborhood. Post office may be open on Saturday but not Sunday and definitely not on MlK day. Check the city hall. Check the bill payment in-person windows. Check the social security agency.

    Some problems such as LA fires require immediate response, some problems require an escalation mechanism and many others can be dealt during regular business hours.

    • dgfitz 2 months ago

      A law was passed with a date attached to it, and it is very high profile. My local post office has nothing to do with anything.


      • jrflowers 2 months ago

        I think the point being made here is that many offices, including but not limited to your local post office, are closed on Sundays. They were not saying that your specific local post office is integral to enforcing the TikTok ban.

        Is there a section in the text of the law that says that enforcement has to happen outside of normal office hours or do you just assume that’s the case because the law is being talked about in the news?