Comment by brushfoot

Comment by brushfoot 2 months ago

10 replies

> Why should the OP need to pay a subscription to enable a feature that is build into the camera

Getting video into your computer through USB is _not_ built into the camera. Else why is OP downloading an app to do it?

The app is part of the implementation, and it costs money. I have no problem with the manufacturer charging separately for that. The rest of us can use a video cable to get video into our computers.

dspillett 2 months ago

You are entirely ignoring the subscription for what should, at most, be a one-off cost.

> The app is part of the implementation

Give other cameras can do it, there has a standard for it since 2003, and there are F/OSS implementations for others, maybe I'm asking the wrong question and instead should have asked “why should the OP pay a subscription for their bad choice of how to implement the feature?”.

  • brushfoot 2 months ago

    The company can charge whatever they want for this feature. Most people who can afford to use a good camera as their webcam will never use it, because they know the quality is worse and they'd rather use industry-standard HDMI.

    If I asked Sony for a power generator to charge my camera's battery, they could charge me a million a month if they'd like. Hopefully that would signal to me that there are better and more standard options.

    • dspillett 2 months ago

      > The company can charge whatever they want for this feature.

      They can. But that doesn't mean everyone is forced to be happy about it, and doesn't mean it can't be talked about so other people who might not be happy about it can use the information to chose a different camera from a different manufacturer instead of discovering the issue post-purchase.

      > they'd rather use industry-standard HDMI

      Or the industry standards for video-over-USB, that this manufacturer chose not to implement because they couldn't easily gouge a subscription out of it.

      • brushfoot 2 months ago

        OP bought a camera not sold as a webcam and is trying to use it as a webcam. Fair enough, I've done the same.

        A standard way of doing that is to use a video cable to get video output and plug that into a capture card on your computer. OP doesn't want to do that and would prefer that the manufacturer included webcam functionality out of the box.

        Also fair enough! But if that's the requirement, buy a camera that meets that requirement, and understand that it's not a standard feature in these cameras.

        I get subscription fatigue, but this is not a good hill to die on. It's getting outraged over expecting a camera to do what it wasn't designed to do, when there are already simple and standard ways of making it do that.

    • nohillside 2 months ago

      Indeed, we should be glad they don‘t charge us for each picture we take …