Comment by EVa5I7bHFq9mnYK

Comment by EVa5I7bHFq9mnYK a day ago

22 replies

How about monetary compensation? People lost real money, damages can be calculated.

After all, if I installed spying software on GM's computers, and sold the extracted data to, say, Toyota, I'd face hefty fines. And spend time in prison.

diggan a day ago

> After all, if I installed spying software on GM's computers, and sold the extracted data to, say, Toyota, I'd face hefty fines. And spend time in prison.

You're going about this all wrong. Setup a company, create a landing page and do some B2B contracts for selling that data, and you too can be a "Data Broker" fully legally. But yes, approaching this as an individual is most likely illegal, you're supposed to do it as a corporation.

  • throwup238 a day ago

    IANAL but you’ll want a cofounder. Piercing the veil is a lot easier with a single founder company.

NikkiA a day ago

But not if you sold GM software that had a clause deep in the license agreement saying you'd sell the data to Toyota.

Nuzzerino a day ago

What if in this case it was about keeping the accident rate low by incentivizing safe driving? Don't know if I agree with them doing it, but it's probably not an argument that any side would win, and we don't even truly know if it would be a negative or a positive for society when looking at it from every angle.

xyst a day ago

Probably a class action lawsuit in the future, if one does not already exist.

Jail time? Probably not, we let health insurance companies get away with taking away critical needs from patients and delaying care in the name of delivering shareholder value. The best they get is a slap on the wrist from the government, let alone jail time.

  • soco a day ago

    Health insurance abuses got a quite different slap recently.

    • Tostino a day ago

      And they are calling it 'terrorism'. What a joke our country is.

      • potato3732842 a day ago

        Terrorism is simpoly what the government/establishment calls any politically motivated public action that includes crime or violence when anyone other than them does it.

        4chan/anon was screwing with websites -> terrorism

        Neo-nazis finding unsecured online printers at colleges and printing their propaganda -> terrorism

        Shoot a public figure because you think they've done a tone of wrong -> terrorism.

        Go on a bulldozer rampage against people who have wronged you -> terrorism

      • blacklion a day ago

        To be honest, it IS terrorism, by the very first definition.

        First terrorists (named so) was revolutionaries (not bolsheviks, but other parties) in Russian Empire, who go to Government official's office and shot them in the face with Nagant revolver.

        Look up Vera Zasulich, Dmitry Karakozov, Narodnaya Volya (organization), etc.

        It is TRUE terrorism, not bombing Christmas parade or marathon.

      • diggan a day ago

        I mean, it is. Just because you agree with it doesn't mean the label changes. And I don't necessarily hate what happened either, nor would I probably personally prosecute the guy. But lets not mince words, if you (try to) use violence against civilians for political/ideological/religious motives, that's pretty much the agree-upon definition of "terrorism".