Comment by snakeyjake
Comment by snakeyjake 2 months ago
>you try to roll a million fair dice and get them to all come up six.
That is not a low probability event; that is an impossibility.
I think the problem here is that you think I am a digital electronic computer. I am not.
I am a human being.
I do not now, have never, and will never care about the technically possible I only care about the actually possible.
As a human, I know that six to the power of one million is impossible. Not to mention that rolling one million dice is absurd.
But as a human I also know that the chemical reaction needed to spark life isn't a six to the power of one million proposition.
I don't know what it is but it ain't that because it's been done, at least once.
edit: It's not absurd, rolling one million dice.
The heaviest verifiable weight ever lifted by a human being is 2422.18kg.
A 4mm die is 0.4g. Conceivably a contraption could be built by which a human could "roll" several million dice using the strength of their entire body.
Now I kinda want that to happen.
> As a human, I know that six to the power of one million is impossible.
This is plain wrong. If you roll a million dice, anything that comes up has the exact same probability. We think all 6 is special because it holds some meaning to us, but it is exactly as likely as any other result. So any result has a probability of 6^1M to happen. And yet, one of those 6^1M configurations will happen with probability 1.