Comment by prmph

Comment by prmph 2 months ago

1 reply

This argument I think hints at something i regard as mysterious regarding probability as applied to the real world (as opposed to the platonic, pure math concept)

My own view is that there something deep about probability akin to the measurement problem. My view is that probability is not an objective fixed thing, but that it is something relative to the observer of experiments.

tsimionescu 2 months ago

> My view is that probability is not an objective fixed thing, but that it is something relative to the observer of experiments.

This is basically the Bayesian view of probability - that probability is a measure of the knowledge of an agent, not a property of a system. There are even some interpretations of QM that try to find a way to apply this to the measurement problem.

However, for this particular case, I don't think there is anything all that mysterious. If a process is more or less equally likely to produce any of a huge number of outcomes, it stands to reason that you can't predict which outcome will happen, even while knowing some outcome is fully guaranteed.